
By Igor Zakutynsky | Updated il y a 21 jours | eCommerce

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Gumroad Package

Gumroad helps creators take control of their creative careers. The Gumroad OAuth API is based around REST. We return JSON for every request, including errors.

How to get credentials:

  1. To start using the Gumroad API, you’ll need to register as a developer.
  2. Then register your OAuth application.
  3. Generate access token on your application page.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Retrieve all of the existing products for the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.


Retrieve the details of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Permanently delete a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Enable an existing product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Disable an existing product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Create a new variant category on a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
title String Variant category name.


Retrieve the details of a variant category of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.


Edit a variant category of an existing product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.
title String Variant category name.


Permanently delete a variant category of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.


Retrieve all of the existing variant categories of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Create a new variant of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.
name String Variant variant.
priceDifferenceCents Number Price difference cents.
maxPurchaseCount Number Max purchase count.


Retrieve the details of a variant of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.
variantId String Variant id.


Edit a variant of an existing product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.
variantId String Variant id.
name String Variant name.
priceDifferenceCents Number Price difference cents.
maxPurchaseCount Number Max purchase count.


Permanently delete a variant of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.
variantId String Variant id.


Retrieve all of the existing variants in a variant category.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
categoryId String Variant category id.


Retrieve all of the existing offer codes for a product. Either amount_cents or percent_off will be returned depending if the offer code is a fixed amount off or a percentage off. A universal offer code is one that applies to all products.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Retrieve the details of a specific offer code of a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
offerId String Offer code id.


Create a new offer code for a product. Default offer code is in cents. A universal offer code is one that applies to all products.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
name String Offer name.
amountOff String Amount value.
offerType Select cents or percent
maxPurchaseCount String Max purchase count
universal Boolean true or false


Edit an existing product’s offer code.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
offerId String Offer code id.
maxPurchaseCount String Max purchase count


Edit an existing product’s offer code.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
offerId String Offer code id.


Retrieve all of the existing custom fields for a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Create a new custom field for a product.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
name String Field name.
required Boolean true or false.


Edit an existing product’s custom field.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
name String Field name.
required Boolean true or false.


Edit an existing product’s custom field.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.
name String Field name.


Retrieve the user’s data.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.


Show all active subscriptions for this user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
resourceName String Currently the only supported value is sale.


Subscribe to a resource. Currently the only supported resource name is sale. Once subscribed you will be notified of the user’s sales with an HTTP POST to your post_url.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
resourceName String Currently the only supported value is sale.
postUrl String URL for notifications


Unsubscribe from a resource.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
resourceSubscriptionId String Id of subscription resource.


Retrieves all of the sucessful sales by the authenticated user. Available with the view_sales scope.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
after DatePicker Only return sales after this date.
before DatePicker Only return sales before this date.
page Number Return this page of results.


Retrieves the details of a sale by this user. Available with the view_sales scope.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
saleId String Id of user sale.


Retrieves all of the active subscribers for one of the authenticated user’s products. Available with the view_sales scope.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
id String Id of the product.


Retrieves the details of a subscriber to this user’s product. Available with the view_sales scope.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your application’s access token.
subscriberId String Id of the subscriber.
Followers: 2
Product Website
API Creator:
Rapid account: Igor Zakutynsky
Igor Zakutynsky
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