CarGurus APIs

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CarGurus API

About CarGurus APIs

The CarGuru API allows dealers to optimize digital advertising performance by analyzing visitor data.

What is CarGurus?

Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, CarGurus is an internet-based automotive shopping and research site. Visitors can compare local listings for new and used vehicles and contact sellers from the website or app.

CarGurus began as a user-generated blog where visitors could provide reviews and ask about different vehicles, local dealers, and automotive shops. However, when dealers began expressing interest in advertising to the traffic the site reached, they changed their business model and began showing dealer inventory to the masses.

How do CarGurus and its API work?

CarGurus utilizes complex algorithms to analyze features and prices on cars for sale in a user’s area. The customer can then compare what is available and search by dealership reputation, vehicle features, and price.

The CarGurus API is now open to third-party analytics companies. Clarivoy, vAuto, and Vistadash are a few integrations that now give dealerships a deeper insight into how customers interact with their inventory on the CarGurus website. Today, more than six thousand dealers can track how many potential customers view their listed vehicles and how many are sent to their store because of the listings.

Who is the CarGurus API for?

The CarGurus API is for any dealership that is interested in understanding customer behavior better. Customer behavior and intent are keys to better sales in any business, and in-depth analytics help businesses examine and understand their prospects. Likewise, they can make adjustments where necessary to improve customer flow.

Why are APIs like CarGurus important?

CarGurus and APIs like it help connect dealers with consumers. As a result, dealerships are able to reach more buyers, while customers can perform all of their research and price comparisons from the comfort of their homes. With this model, purchasers do not have to worry about being pressured into a potentially overpriced sale on the lot. Instead, through comparison shopping and learning, they can be well-equipped to make an intelligent buy and are less likely to experience buyer’s remorse.

What can you expect from CarGurus APIs?

The CarGurus API, and those like it, should provide the most accurate and timely information available through a secure network of connections between dealerships, applications, and end-users.

Are there examples of free CarGurus APIs?

  1. License Plate Search
  2. Car Code
  3. CIS Automotive
  4. Car Stockpile
  5. PPSR Search Certificate (Motor Vehicle)
  6. VIN Vehicle Identification Number Lookup

CarGurus API SDKs

All CarGurus APIs are supported and made available in multiple developer programming languages and SDKs including:

  1. Node.js
  2. PHP
  3. Python
  4. Ruby
  5. Objective-C
  6. Java (Android)
  7. C# (.NET)
  8. cURL

Just select your preference from any API endpoints page.

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