
By Stefan Skliarov | Updated 25 days ago | Events

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Ticketmaster Package


How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Ticketmaster website
  2. Register or log in
  3. Create your application at Developers page to get apiKey and clientSecret

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Get user access token

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
clientSecret credentials Client secret from Ticketmaster
redirectUri String Redirect uri for your application
code String Code provided by user


Get user information

Field Type Description
accessToken String user access token


Get user access token

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
clientSecret credentials Client secret from Ticketmaster
refreshToken String Refresh token received in getAccessToken block


Publish events accessible within the Discovery API.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key for PUBLISHING API
active Boolean true if the entity is active; inactive entity won’t appear in Discovery API.
additionalInfos JSON Map of locale to value for any additional informations on the event.
attractions Array List of attractions in the event.
classifications Array List of classifications for the event.
startDate JSON The start date of the event.
accessDate JSON The access date of the event.
endDate JSON The end date of the event.
timezone String The timezone of the event.
descriptions JSON Map of locale to value for the description of the event.
infos JSON Map of locale to value for any informations on the event.
images Array List of images of the event.
names JSON Map of locale to value for the names of the event.
placeNames JSON Map of locale to value for the names of the place.
placeAddressLine1 JSON map of locale to value for the first line of the address.
placeAddressLine2 JSON map of locale to value for the second line of the address.
placeAreaNames JSON map of locale to value for the names of the area.
placeCityNames JSON map of locale to value for the names of the city.
placeCountryCode String the code of the country of the event.
placeCountryNames JSON map of locale to value for the names of the country.
placeCoordinate Map the latitude and longitude of the event location coma separated.
placePostalcode String the postal code of the place of the event.
placeStateNames JSON map of locale to value for the names of the state.
placeStateCode JSON the code of the state of the event.
pleaseNotes JSON map of locale to value for any notes related to the event.
priceRangesType String type of price
priceRangesCurrency String currency code (as defined by ISO-4217)
priceRangesMin String minimum price
priceRangesMax String maximum price
promoterId String id of the promoter
promoterNames JSON map of locale to value for the names of the promoter
promoterDescriptions JSON map of locale to value for the descriptions of the promoter
publicVisibilityStart String the start date and time of visibility for this event on the Discovery API in UTC.
publicVisibilityEnd String the end date and time of visibility for this event on the Discovery API in UTC.
publicVisibilityState Boolean true if the event should be visible on the Discovery API, false otherwise. (if not specified: true)
publicSalesEnd String the date and time of the end of the public sales period in UTC.
publicSalesStart String the date and time of the start of the public sales period in UTC.
publicSalesTBD Boolean true if the public sale date start is to be determined, false otherwise.
sourceId String the publisher’s id of the event.
sourceName String the publisher’s name.
test Boolean true if this is a test event data, false otherwise (real event).
url String the URL of the event on the publisher’s site.
venue JSON the URL of the event on the publisher’s site.
version String the publisher’s version for this event.


Find events and filter your search by location, date, availability, and much more.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
sort String Sorting order of the search result. Example value: relevance,desc
latLong Map Filter events by latitude and longitude
radius String Radius of the area in which we want to search for events.
unit Select Unit of the radius. Possible values:miles, km
startDateTime DatePicker Filter events with a start date after this date
endDateTime DatePicker Filter events with a start date before this date
onsaleStartDateTime DatePicker Filter events with onsale start date after this date
onsaleEndDateTime DatePicker Filter events with onsale end date before this date
countryCode String Filter events by country code
stateCode String Filter events by state code
venueId String Filter events by venue id
attractionId String Filter events by attraction id
segmentId String Filter events by segment id
segmentName String Filter events by segment name
classificationName String Filter events by classification name: name of any segment, genre, sub-genre, type, sub-type
classificationId String Filter events by classification id: id of any segment, genre, sub-genre, type, sub-type
marketId String Filter events by market id
promoterId String Filter events by promoter id
dmaId String Filter events by dma id
includeTBA Select True, to include events with date to be announce (TBA). String enum:[yes, no, only]
includeTBD Select True, to include event with a date to be defined (TBD). String enum:[yes, no, only]
clientVisibility String Filter events by clientName
keyword String Keyword to search on
eventId String Filter entities by its id
source Select Filter entities by its source name. String enum:[ticketmaster, universe, frontgate, tmr]
includeTest Select True if you want to have entities flag as test in the response. Only, if you only wanted test entities. String enum:[yes, no, only]
pageNumber Number Page number
pageSize Number Page size
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Get details for a specific event using the unique identifier for the event. This includes the venue and location, the attraction(s), and the Ticketmaster Website URL for purchasing tickets for the event.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
eventId String ID of the event
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Get images for a specific event using the unique identifier for the event.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
eventId String ID of the event
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Find attractions (artists, sports, packages, plays and so on) and filter your search by name, and much more.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
sort String Sorting order of the search result. Example value: relevance,desc
keyword String Keyword to search on
attractionId String Filter attractions by its id
source Select Filter entities by its source name. String enum:[ticketmaster, universe, frontgate, tmr]
includeTest String True if you want to have entities flag as test in the response. Only, if you only wanted test entities. String enum:[yes, no, only]
pageNumber Number Page number
pageSize Number Page size
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Get details for a specific attraction using the unique identifier for the attraction.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
attractionId String ID of the attraction
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Find classifications and filter your search by name, and much more. Classifications help define the nature of attractions and events.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
sort String Sorting order of the search result. Example value: relevance,desc
keyword String Keyword to search on
classificationId String Filter classifications by its id
source Select Filter entities by its source name. String enum:[ticketmaster, universe, frontgate, tmr]
includeTest String True if you want to have entities flag as test in the response. Only, if you only wanted test entities. String enum:[yes, no, only]
pageNumber Number Page number
pageSize Number Page size
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Get details for a specific segment, genre, or sub-genre using its unique identifier.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
classificationId String ID of the classification
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Get details for a specific genre using its unique identifier.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
genreId String ID of the classification
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Get details for a specific segment using its unique identifier.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
segmentId String ID of the segment
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Find venues and filter your search by name, and much more.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
sort String Sorting order of the search result. Example value: relevance,desc
keyword String Keyword to search on
venueId String Filter venues by its id
source Select Filter entities by its source name. String enum:[ticketmaster, universe, frontgate, tmr]
includeTest String True if you want to have entities flag as test in the response. Only, if you only wanted test entities. String enum:[yes, no, only]
pageNumber Number Page number
pageSize Number Page size
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.
countryCode String Filter events by country code
stateCode String Filter events by state code


Get details for a specific venue using the unique identifier for the venue.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
venueId String ID of the venue
locale List The locale in ISO code format. Array of values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only ‘en’ or ‘fr’) then the first matching locale is used.


Returns Event Offers.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
eventId String ID of the event


Returns Event Offers.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
pollingCallbackUrl String Client webhook URI where response will be posted if the operation polls.
products Array Container of add product requests.


Returns the cart.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
cartId String ID of the cart


This operation allows users to add or remove products to/from a cart.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
pollingCallbackUrl String Client webhook URI where response will be posted if the operation polls.
products Array Container of add product requests.
cartId String ID of the cart


Returns the deliveries.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
cartId String ID of the cart


This operation allows users to add deliveries to a cart.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
pollingCallbackUrl String Client webhook URI where response will be posted if the operation polls.
deliveries Array Container of add delivery requests.
cartId String ID of the cart


This operation allows users to add one or more payments to a cart.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
pollingCallbackUrl String Client webhook URI where response will be posted if the operation polls.
payments Array Container of add payments requests.
cartId String ID of the cart


This operation returns available payment options

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
cartId String ID of the cart


This operation returns available payment options plus information about deliveries

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
cartId String ID of the cart


This operation empties the cart.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
cartId String ID of the cart


This operation empties the cart.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Client key from Ticketmaster
cartId String ID of the cart
pollingCallbackUrl String Client webhook URI where response will be posted if the operation polls.

Ticketmaster FAQ

From https://developer.ticketmaster.com/support/faq/


Why has Ticketmaster decided to open up its API?

At Ticketmaster, we see ourselves as the engine that powers unforgetable moments of joy for fans everywhere. That’s our
purpose. That’s our promise. We also believe strongly that innovation is fostered best through openness and transparency.
Therefore, we’re opening up our data because we want to give you, the developer, the ability to explore its potential beyond
what we have already done. We want you to bring those moments of joy to fans through compelling and innovative products powered
by our APIs.

How can I reach out to Ticketmaster to discuss a potential partnership opportunity?

Exciting! Please
contact us and try to be as specific as you can so we can bring in
the right people to have a follow-up discussion regarding this potential opportunity. We should get back to you by email within 48 hours.

How might I use the content that’s made available via the Ticketmaster API?

We want you to be as creative and as innovative as possible with our data. We have tried hard
to put as little constraints on you as possible. The only thing we ask you to do is to comply with our Terms of Use.

What is the default quota for API requests?

The default access all applications get is to our Public APIs with a quota of 2 requests/sec and 5000 req/day.


What datasets does the API cover?

The Ticketmaster API offers access to live events, attractions, venues and tickets! The
datasets span all North American and International markets. Furthermore, the Ticketmaster API provides data coming from
ticketing platforms like TicketWeb, Universe and Front Gate.

What data formats does the Ticketmaster API support?

The Ticketmaster API supports the JSON format only at this time.


Why should I join the Ticketmaster Affiliate Program?

With more than 150K events ticketed each year, Ticketmaster offers unparalleled access to live sports, concerts, theater
productions and family events.
If you are looking to build or enhance a user experience in the live event space,
Ticketmaster’s superior content depth and technology solutions means greater choice for your users, as well as opportunity to
monetize. Not to mention the Ticketmaster brand and our
Verified Tickets promise makes us the most trusted, respected brand in live
event ticketing. Our affiliate program plays a crucial part of Ticketmaster’s business strategy in finding new audiences for
our clients, from industry leaders to small start-ups.

Speaking of monetization, how do I earn money through the affiliate program?

The program compensates partners based on sales delivered (not traffic sent), both in primary
and resale channels. Specific rates and terms can be discussed during the onboarding process, but Ticketmaster does not pay
commission on primary tickets during the first 24 hours following a public onsale. The Ticketmaster cookie is valid for 30
days, and the TicketsNow cookie is valid for 60 days.

Is the Ticketmaster affiliate program right for me?

The affiliate program is best-suited for websites and apps that can deliver unique buyers to
Ticketmaster’s clients, who are looking to drive incremental sales beyond what takes place on Ticketmaster or client
websites. If you think you fit the mold, please reach out to

How does the onboarding process work?

Ticketmaster will provide appropriate publishers an API key, or other content tools, to access the
Discovery API. You will also need to separately create a publisher account
Impact Radius, our third-party provider who
manages our tracking, reporting and payments.
Once you have an affiliate publisher ID, you will wrap destination URLs in an Impact Radius
wrapper to ensure proper tracking, so that when you deliver a sale to Ticketmaster or Ticketsnow, you’ll be credited for the
purchase. You will be able to receive reporting through the Impact Radius interface, as well as custom reports that can be sent
on a daily basis.
Before signing up at Impact Radius, please reach out to us about whether you’re appropriate for the program!

What content and tools will be available to me?

Our Discovery API will provide access to events for sale on Ticketmaster.com and Ticketweb. We can also grant access to our
resale API which has all events from our secondary market suite of sites including NFL Ticket Exchange, NHL Ticket Exchange,
NBA Tickets Resale Marketplace, and TicketsNow.com, which can also be listed and monetized. Talk to your account manager if you
are interested.

Can my users transact on tickets through my site?

Later this year, you will be able to leverage our purchase widget to sell tickets without users ever leaving your site. Talk
to your account manager about timing and opportunities!

But I’d like to actually sell tickets in my own shopping cart. Can I do that?

In most cases, no. Our program largely serves affiliates who can create unique content experiences that complement our
clients’ aims and drive incremental traffic to Ticketmaster.com for conversion. Ticketmaster will grant access to our Partner
Commerce API for a limited number of partners. Please contact
distributedcommerce@ticketmaster.com if you have any questions.

What markets does the Ticketmaster serve?

This program specifically serves the North American market (US & CA). We do have an international program that you can
join that serves markets across Europe and beyond. (UK, IE, SE, ES, DE,
AT, NL, BE, FR, AU, NZ).

Will I have access to official artist/team creative?

Our content solutions provide high-res images for Ticketmaster.com events, along with all necessary event meta data. You do
not have the right to leverage official team and league creative from the various sports leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL) by
default, but we may in some cases route specific requests to the league through your account manager.

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Stefan Skliarov
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