
От Stefan Skliarov | Обновлено 2 महीने पहले | Music

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Soundcloud Package

Integrate SoundCloud user, track and playlist information.

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Soundcloud website
  2. Log in or create a new account
  3. Register an app
  4. After creation your app you will see Client ID and Client Secret


Provides access tokens once a user has authorized your application.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
clientSecret credentials The client secret belonging to your application
redirectUri String The redirect uri you have configured for your application
code String The authorization code obtained when user is sent to redirectUri.


Refreshes expired token.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
clientSecret credentials The client secret belonging to your application
redirectUri String The redirect uri you have configured for your application
refreshToken String Refresh token received when you received your access token.


Gets information about the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets information about single user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Gets information about tracks of the user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Gets information about playlists of the user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Gets list of users who are followed by the user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Adds user to followed.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
followingId Number ID of the user to follow.


Removes user from followed .

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
followingId Number ID of the user to stop following.


Gets list of users who are following the user.

Field Type Description
clientId String The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Gets list of comments from this user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Gets list of comments from this user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Adds track to favorites

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track to favorite.


Removes track from favorites

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track to favorite.


Gets info about single track liked by user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track to check.
userId Number ID of the user to check.


Gets info about single track liked by current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track to check.


Gets list of web profiles.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
userId Number ID of the user.


Gets list of connections for the current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of tracks for the current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of playlists for the current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of users who are followed by the current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of users who are following the current user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of comments of the current user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of tracks favorited by the current user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of web profiles of the current user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


Gets list of acitivites for the current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
limit Number Number of activities to return.


Gets recent tracks from users the logged-in user follows.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
limit Number Number of activities to return.


Gets recent exclusively shared tracks.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
limit Number Number of activities to return.


Gets recent activities on the logged-in users tracks.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
limit Number Number of activities to return.


Gets information about single comment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
commentId Number ID of the comment.


Gets list of comments.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.


Gets list of playlists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
searchString String A string to search for.


Gets list of playlists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
searchString String A string to search for. When this parameter is used, only compact representations are returned.
representation String compact (no track listing) or id (track listing only contains track IDs).


Gets information about single playlist.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
playlistId Number ID of the playlist.


Gets list of registered applications.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.


The SoundCloud oEmbed endpoint will serve the widget embed code for any SoundCloud URL pointing to a user, set, or a playlist.

Field Type Description
link String A Soundcloud URL for a track, set, user.
maxWidth Number The maximum width in px.
maxHeight Number The maximum height in px. The default is 166px for tracks and 450px for sets. If using the flash widget, the default is 81px for tracks and 305px for sets.
color String The primary color of the widget as a hex triplet. (For example: ff0066).
autoPlay Boolean Whether the widget plays on load. Format: true OR false(default).
showComments Boolean Whether the player displays timed comments. Format: true(default) OR false.
iframe Boolean Whether the new HTML5 Iframe-based Widget or the old Adobe Flash Widget will be returned. Format: true(default) OR false.


The resolve resource allows you to lookup and access API resources when you only know the URL.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
link String Link to the resource.


Create connection representing the external profile (like twitter, tumblr or facebook profiles and pages)

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
redirectUri String Link to the page user has to be redirected.
service String The type of the described connection. Possible values: facebook_profile, twitter, myspace.


Gets list of tracks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
searchString String A string to search for.
tags String A comma separated list of tags.
filter String Possible values: all, public, private.
license String Creative common license. Possible values: no-rights-reserved, all-rights-reserved, cc-by, cc-by-nc, cc-by-nd, cc-by-sa, cc-by-nc-nd, cc-by-nc-sa.
bpmFrom Number Return tracks with at least this bpm value.
bpmTo Number Return tracks with at most this bpm value.
durationFrom Number Return tracks with at least this duration (in millis).
durationTo Number Return tracks with at most this duration (in millis).
createdAtFrom String (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) return tracks created at this date or later.
createdAtTo String (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) return tracks created at this date or earlier.
ids String A comma separated list of track ids to filter on.
genres String A comma separated list of genres.
types String A comma separated list of types.


Gets information about single playlist.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
trackId Number ID of the track.


Gets comments of the track.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The client id belonging to your application.
trackId Number ID of the track.


Gets comment of the track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track.
commentId Number ID of the comment.


Adds comment to the track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track.
comment String Content of the comment.


Adds comment to the track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track.
commentId Number ID of the comment.


Gets users who liked this track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track.


Gets secret token of the track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track.


Updates secret token of the track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track.


Check if user if following other user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
userId Number ID of the user.
followingId Number ID of the user who may be followed.


Check if user if following other user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
followingId Number ID of the user who may be followed.


Deletes web-profile of the user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
webProfileId Number ID web-profile.


Creates playlist

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
playlistTitle String Title of the playlist.
playlistSharing String Sharing type of the playlist. Possible values: public OR private.
tracks Array Array of tracks IDs to add to the playlist.
embeddableBy String Who can embed this playlist. Possible value: all OR me OR none.
puchaseUrl String External purchase link.
playlistDescription String HTML description.
genre String Genre.
tagList String Contains a list of tags separated by spaces. Multiword tags are quoted in doublequotes.
labelId String Id of the label user
labelName String Label name
releaseNumber Number Release number
releaseDay Number Day of the release
releaseMonth Number Month of the release
releaseYear Number Year of the release
streamable Boolean Streamable via API.
downloadable Boolean Downloadable
ean Number EAN identifier for the playlist
playlistType String Playlist type. Possible values: ep single, album, compilation, project files, archive, showcase, demo, sample pack, other


Adds track to playlist.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
playlistId Number Id of the playlist.
tracks Array Array of tracks IDs to add to the playlist.
playlistTitle String Title of the playlist.
playlistSharing String Sharing type of the playlist. Possible values: public OR private.
embeddableBy String Who can embed this playlist. Possible value: all OR me OR none.
puchaseUrl String External purchase link.
playlistDescription String HTML description.
genre String Genre.
tagList String Contains a list of tags separated by spaces. Multiword tags are quoted in doublequotes.
labelId String Id of the label user
labelName String Label name
releaseNumber Number Release number
releaseDay Number Day of the release
releaseMonth Number Month of the release
releaseYear Number Year of the release
streamable Boolean Streamable via API.
downloadable Boolean Downloadable
ean Number EAN identifier for the playlist
playlistType String Playlist type. Possible values: ep single, album, compilation, project files, archive, showcase, demo, sample pack, other


Uploads track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackTitle String Title of the track
trackFile File File of the track.
artWorkFile File Artwork of the track.
trackSharing String Type of sharing. Possible value: public OR private.
embeddableBy String Who can embed this track. Possible value: all OR me OR none.
purchaseUrl String External purchase link.
trackDescription String HTML description.
genre String Genre
tagList String Contains a list of tags separated by spaces. Multiword tags are quoted in doublequotes.
labelId String Id of the label user
labelName String Label name
releaseNumber Number Release number
releaseDay Number Day of the release
releaseMonth Number Month of the release
releaseYear Number Year of the release
streamable Boolean Streamable via API.
downloadable Boolean Downloadable
trackType String Track type. Possible values: original, remix, live, recording, spoken, podcast, demo, in progress, stem, loop, sound effect, sample, other
license String Creative common license. Possible values: no-rights-reserved, all-rights-reserved, cc-by, cc-by-nc, cc-by-nd, cc-by-sa, cc-by-nc-nd, cc-by-nc-sa
bpm Number Beats per minute
commentable Boolean Track commentable
isrc String Track ISRC
keySignature String Track key
videoUrl String A link to a video page


Updates uploaded track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number Id of the track
trackTitle String Title of the track
trackFile File File of the track.
trackSharing String Type of sharing. Possible value: public OR private.
embeddableBy String Who can embed this track or playlist. Possible value: all OR me OR none.
purchaseUrl String External purchase link.
trackDescription String HTML description.
genre String Genre
tagList String Contains a list of tags separated by spaces. Multiword tags are quoted in doublequotes.
labelId String Id of the label user
labelName String Label name
releaseNumber Number Release number
releaseDay Number Day of the release
releaseMonth Number Month of the release
releaseYear Number Year of the release
streamable Boolean Streamable via API.
downloadable Boolean Downloadable
trackType String Track type. Possible values: original, remix, live, recording, spoken, podcast, demo, in progress, stem, loop, sound effect, sample, other
license String Creative common license. Possible values: no-rights-reserved, all-rights-reserved, cc-by, cc-by-nc, cc-by-nd, cc-by-sa, cc-by-nc-nd, cc-by-nc-sa
bpm Number Beats per minute
commentable Boolean Track commentable
isrc String Track ISRC
keySignature String Track key


Updates user information.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
username String Username.
description String Description of the user.
website String A URL to the website.
websiteTitle String A custom title for the website.
avatar File User avatar.


Deletes single track.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
trackId Number ID of the track.


Deletes single playlist.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
playlistId Number ID of the playlist.


Creates single web-profile.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
url String Url of the web-profile.
username String Username for web-profile.
title String Title of the web-profile.


Updates single web-profile.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access Token received from oAuth.
webProfileId Number ID of the web-profile.
url String Url of the web-profile.
title String Title of the web-profile.
username String Username for web-profile.
Подписчики: 47
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Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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