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Poke Package


How to get credentials:

  1. Poke API does not require key for the moment


Returns information about berry

Field Type Description
berryName String Id or name of the berry


Returns information about berries with provided firmness

Field Type Description
berryFirmness String Id or name of the berry firmness


Returns information about berries with provided flavor

Field Type Description
berryFlavor String Id or name of the berry flavor


Contest types are categories judges used to weigh a Pokémon’s condition in Pokémon contests.

Field Type Description
contestName String Id or name of contest type


Returns contest effect according to provided Id

Field Type Description
contestId Number Id of the contest type


Returns super contest effect according to provided Id

Field Type Description
contestId Number Id of the contest type


Methods by which the player might can encounter Pokémon in the wild, e.g., walking in tall grass.

Field Type Description
methodName String Id or name of the method


Conditions which affect what pokemon might appear in the wild, e.g., day or night.

Field Type Description
conditionName String Id or name of the condition


Encounter condition values are the various states that an encounter condition can have, i.e., time of day can be either day or night.

Field Type Description
conditionValueName String Id or name of the condition value


Evolution chains are essentially family trees. They start with the lowest stage within a family and detail evolution conditions for each as well as Pokémon they can evolve into up through the hierarchy.

Field Type Description
chainId Number Id of the evolution chain


Evolution triggers are the events and conditions that cause a Pokémon to evolve.

Field Type Description
triggerName String Id or name of the evolution trigger


A generation is a grouping of the Pokémon games that separates them based on the Pokémon they include. In each generation, a new set of Pokémon, Moves, Abilities and Types that did not exist in the previous generation are released.

Field Type Description
generationName String Id or name of the generation


A Pokédex is a handheld electronic encyclopedia device; one which is capable of recording and retaining information of the various Pokémon in a given region with the exception of the national dex and some smaller dexes related to portions of a region.

Field Type Description
pokedexName String Id or name of the pokedex


Versions of the games, e.g., Red, Blue or Yellow.

Field Type Description
versionName String Id or name of the version


Version groups categorize highly similar versions of the games.

Field Type Description
versionGroupName String Id or name of the version group


An item is an object in the games which the player can pick up, keep in their bag, and use in some manner. They have various uses, including healing, powering up, helping catch Pokémon, or to access a new area.

Field Type Description
itemName String Id or name of the item


Item attributes define particular aspects of items, e.g. “usable in battle” or “consumable”.

Field Type Description
itemAttributeName String Id or name of the item attribute


Item categories determine where items will be placed in the players bag.

Field Type Description
itemCategoryName String Id or name of the item category


Item categories determine where items will be placed in the players bag.

Field Type Description
itemFlingEffectName String Id or name of the item fling effect


Pockets within the players bag used for storing items by category.

Field Type Description
itemPocketName String Id or name of the item pocket


Machines are the representation of items that teach moves to Pokémon. They vary from version to version, so it is not certain that one specific TM or HM corresponds to a single Machine.

Field Type Description
machineId Number Id of the machine


Moves are the skills of Pokémon in battle. In battle, a Pokémon uses one move each turn. Some moves (including those learned by Hidden Machine) can be used outside of battle as well, usually for the purpose of removing obstacles or exploring new areas.

Field Type Description
moveName String Id or name of the move


Move Ailments are status conditions caused by moves used during battle.

Field Type Description
moveAilmentName String Id or name of the move ailment


Styles of moves when used in the Battle Palace.

Field Type Description
moveBattleStyleName String Id or name of the move battle style


Very general categories that loosely group move effects.

Field Type Description
moveCategoryName String Id or name of the move category


Damage classes moves can have, e.g. physical, special, or non-damaging.

Field Type Description
moveDamageClassName String Id or name of the move damage class


Methods by which Pokémon can learn moves.

Field Type Description
moveLearnMethodName String Id or name of the move learn method


Targets moves can be directed at during battle. Targets can be Pokémon, environments or even other moves.

Field Type Description
moveTargetName String Id or name of the move target


Locations that can be visited within the games. Locations make up sizable portions of regions, like cities or routes.

Field Type Description
locationName String Id or name of the location


Location areas are sections of areas, such as floors in a building or cave. Each area has its own set of possible Pokémon encounters.

Field Type Description
locationAreaName String Id or name of the location area


Areas used for grouping Pokémon encounters in Pal Park. They’re like habitats that are specific to Pal Park.

Field Type Description
palParkAreaName String Id or name of the Pal Park area


A region is an organized area of the Pokémon world. Most often, the main difference between regions is the species of Pokémon that can be encountered within them.

Field Type Description
regionName String Id or name of the region


Abilities provide passive effects for Pokémon in battle or in the overworld. Pokémon have multiple possible abilities but can have only one ability at a time.

Field Type Description
abilityName String Id or name of the ability


Characteristics indicate which stat contains a Pokémon’s highest IV. A Pokémon’s Characteristic is determined by the remainder of its highest IV divided by 5 (gene_modulo).

Field Type Description
characteristicId Number Id of the characteristic


Genders were introduced in Generation II for the purposes of breeding Pokémon but can also result in visual differences or even different evolutionary lines.

Field Type Description
genderName String Id or name of the gender


Egg Groups are categories which determine which Pokémon are able to interbreed. Pokémon may belong to either one or two Egg Groups.

Field Type Description
eggGroupName String Id or name of the egg group


Growth rates are the speed with which Pokémon gain levels through experience.

Field Type Description
growthRateName String Id or name of the growth rate


Natures influence how a Pokémon’s stats grow.

Field Type Description
natureName String Id or name of the nature


Pokeathlon Stats are different attributes of a Pokémon’s performance in Pokéathlons. In Pokéathlons, competitions happen on different courses; one for each of the different Pokéathlon stats.

Field Type Description
pokeathlonStatName String Id or name of the pokeathlon stat


Pokémon are the creatures that inhabit the world of the Pokémon games. They can be caught using Pokéballs and trained by battling with other Pokémon.

Field Type Description
pokemonName String Id or name of the pokemon


Colors used for sorting Pokémon in a Pokédex. The color listed in the Pokédex is usually the color most apparent or covering each Pokémon’s body. No orange category exists; Pokémon that are primarily orange are listed as red or brown.

Field Type Description
pokemonColorName String Id or name of the pokemon color


Some Pokémon have the ability to take on different forms. At times, these differences are purely cosmetic and have no bearing on the difference in the Pokémon’s stats from another; however, several Pokémon differ in stats (other than HP), type, and Ability depending on their form.

Field Type Description
pokemonFormName String Id or name of the pokemon form


Habitats are generally different terrain Pokémon can be found in but can also be areas designated for rare or legendary Pokémon.

Field Type Description
pokemonHabitatName String Id or name of the pokemon habitat


Shapes used for sorting Pokémon in a Pokédex.

Field Type Description
pokemonShapeName String Id or name of the pokemon shape


A Pokémon Species forms the basis for at least one Pokémon. Attributes of a Pokémon species are shared across all varieties of Pokémon within the species. A good example is Wormadam; Wormadam is the species which can be found in three different varieties, Wormadam-Trash, Wormadam-Sandy and Wormadam-Plant.

Field Type Description
pokemonSpeciesName String Id or name of the pokemon species


Stats determine certain aspects of battles. Each Pokémon has a value for each stat which grows as they gain levels and can be altered momentarily by effects in battles.

Field Type Description
statName String Id or name of the stat


Types are properties for Pokémon and their moves. Each type has three properties: which types of Pokémon it is super effective against, which types of Pokémon it is not very effective against, and which types of Pokémon it is completely ineffective against.

Field Type Description
typeName String Id or name of the type


Languages for translations of API resource information.

Field Type Description
languageName String Id or name of the language
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Stefan Skliarov
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