
Door Volodimir Kudriachenko | Bijgewerkt il y a un mois | eCommerce

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Health Check



Shopify Package

Shopify is platform for ecommerce.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Sign up in Shopify as developer.
  2. Navigate to App section.
  3. Click “Create a new app”, fill all required fields.
  4. Your app will appear in “App” section. Open it.
  5. In our package we using OAuth authentication, more details about how it work in Shopify you can read HERE.
  6. To get access token, which used in all blocks of package as required field, first of all you need redirect the shop owner to this URL:
    • https://{shop}{api_key}&scope={scopes}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}&state={nonce}&grant_options[]={option}
    • About link syntax you can read HERE
  7. In redirect link, one of parameter will be “code”, which we will use next.
  8. Finally to get access token use getAccessToken block in this package.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects

Webhook credentials

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
Field Type Description
projectName credentials
projectKey credentials


Get access token from code provided in the redirect described.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The API Key for the app.
clientSecret credentials The Shared Secret for the app (Credential sets).
code String The authorization code provided in the redirect described.
shopName String Domain of your shop.


Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed
smartCollectionId Number The unique numeric identifier for the smart collection
products JSON Array of product ids in the order you want them arranged. (Applies only when sort_order is set to “manual”)
sortOrder String The type of sorting to apply. Valid values are listed in the Properties section above. (default: (current value))


Get a count of abandoned checkouts.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
createdAtMin DatePicker Show checkouts created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Show checkouts created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show checkouts last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show checkouts last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
status Select open - All open abandoned checkouts (default), closed - Show only closed abandoned checkouts.


List all abandoned checkouts.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
createdAtMin DatePicker Show checkouts created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Show checkouts created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show checkouts last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show checkouts last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
status Select open - All open abandoned checkouts (default), closed - Show only closed abandoned checkouts.


Create a new Checkout.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
email String The customer’s email address.
lineItemsVariantId Number The id of the product variant.
lineItemsQuantity Number The number of products that were purchased.


Retreive a list of Checkout.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.


Modify an existing Checkout.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
token String Unique identifier for a particular checkout.
email String The customer’s email address.
shippingAddressFirstName String The first name of the person associated with the payment method.
shippingAddressLastName String The last name of the person associated with the payment method.
shippingAddressAddress1 String The street address of the shipping address.
shippingAddressCity String The city of the shipping address.
shippingAddressProvinceCode String The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address.
shippingAddressCountryCode String The two-letter code for the country of the shipping address.
shippingAddressPhone String The phone number at the shipping address.
shippingAddressZip String The zip or postal code of the shipping address.
reservationTime Number The reservation time in seconds for the products in the line items. This can be set up to 5 minutes, or 1 hour depending on the authentication type used.


Get a list of available shipping rates for the specified checkout. Implementers need to poll this API until rates become available. Each shipping rate will also contain the checkout’s subtotal_price, total_tax and total_price in the event that this shipping rate is selected. This can be used to update the UI without performing a road-trip to API.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
token String Unique identifier for a particular checkout.


Retreive a list of Payments on a particular Checkout.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
token String Unique identifier for a particular checkout.


Create a new payment.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
token String Unique identifier for a particular checkout.
requestDetailsIpAddress String The IP address of the customer.
requestDetailsAcceptLanguage String A string identifying the customer’s preferred language, formatted according to the Accept-Language header as defined in RFC2616 Section 14.4.
requestDetailsUserAgent String A string identifying the customer’s user agent.
amount String Amount of payment.
sessionId String Represents the id that was returned by the card vault.


Get a single Payment.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
token String Unique identifier for a particular checkout.


Count the number of Payments attempted on a Checkout.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
token String Unique identifier for a particular checkout.


Create a payment session.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
creditCardNumber String Credit card number.
creditCardFirstName String Credit card owner first name.
creditCardLastName String Credit card owner last name.
creditCardMonth String Credit card expiry date month.
creditCardYear String Credit card expiry date year.
creditCardVerificationValue String Credit card verification value.


Add a product to a collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
collectionId Number The id of the custom collection containing the product.


Remove a product from a collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
collectId Number A unique numeric identifier for the collect.


List all collects or only those for specific products or collections.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
collectionId Number The id of the custom collection containing the product.
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a count of all collects or only those for specific products or collections.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
collectionId Number The id of the custom collection containing the product.


Get the collect with a certain id, or for a given product AND collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
collectId Number The id of the collect to retrieve.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a list of all custom collections that contain a given product.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
ids List List of collection ids.
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
title String Show custom collections with given title.
productId Number Show custom collections that includes given product.
handle String Filter by custom collection handle.
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show custom collections last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show custom collections last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMin DatePicker Show custom collections published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMax DatePicker Show custom collections published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedStatus Select published - Show only published custom collections, unpublished - Show only unpublished custom collections, any - Show all custom collections (default).
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a count of all custom collections.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
title String Count custom collections with given title.
productId Number Count custom collections that includes given product.
updatedAtMin DatePicker Count custom collections last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Count custom collections last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMin DatePicker Show custom collections published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMax DatePicker Show custom collections published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedStatus Select published - Show only published custom collections, unpublished - Show only unpublished custom collections, any - Show all custom collections (default).


Get a single custom collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
collectionId Number The id of the custom collection containing the product.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Create a new custom collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
title String Collections title.
imageSrc File Image associated with the custom collection.
collectsProductId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
published Boolean Is published collection.


Update an existing custom collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
collectionId Number The id of the custom collection containing the product.
handle String A human-friendly unique string for the custom collection automatically generated from its title. This is used in shop themes by the Liquid templating language to refer to the custom collection. Limit of 255 characters.
title String Collections title.
imageSrc File Image associated with the custom collection.
collectsProductId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
published Boolean Is published collections.


Remove custom collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
collectionId Number The id of the custom collection containing the product.


Retrieve all customers of a shop.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
ids List List of customer ids.
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
createdAtMin DatePicker Show customers created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Show customers created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show customers last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show customers last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Search customers.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
order String Field and direction to order results by (default: last_order_date DESC).
query String Text to search customers.
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a single customer.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
customerId String The id of the customer.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Create a new customer.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
firstName String The customer’s first name.
lastName String The customer’s last name.
email String The email address of the customer.
phone String The phone number for the customer. Valid formats can be of different types, for example: 6135551212, +16135551212, 555-1212, (613)555-1212, +1 613-555-1212.
verifiedEmail Boolean States whether or not the email address has been verified.
sendEmailInvite Boolean If true, Invite E-mail will be send.
sendEmailWelcome Boolean If true, Welcome E-mail will be send.


Update a customer.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
customerId String The id of the customer.
firstName String The customer’s first name.
lastName String The customer’s last name.
email String The email address of the customer.
tags List Tags are additional short descriptors formatted as a string of values. For example, if an article has three tags: tag1, tag2, tag3.
note String A note about the customer.


This endpoint allows you to generate and retrieve an account activation URL for a customer who is not yet enabled. This is useful if you’ve imported a large number of customers and want to send them activation emails all at once (using this approach, you’ll need to generate and send the activation emails yourself). The account activation URL generated by this endpoint is one time use and will expire after 7 days. If you make a new POST request to this endpoint, a new URL will be generated which will be again valid for 7 days, but the previous URL will no longer be valid.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
customerId String The id of the customer.


Delete a customer. A customer can’t be deleted if they have existing orders.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
customerId String The id of the customer.


Get a count of all customers.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.


Get all orders belonging to this customer.

Field Type Description
shopName credentials Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
customerId String The id of the customer.


Get the events from a particular product.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
objectType String Name type of object of event (products, orders).
objectTypeId String Type identifier of object of event.
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
createdAtMin DatePicker Show events created at or after date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Show events created at or before date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
filter String Only show events specified in filter.
verb String Only show events of a certain kind.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a single Event.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
eventId Number The unique numeric identifier for the event.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Retrieve event by type.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
objectType String Name type of object of event (products, orders).
objectTypeId String The unique numeric identifier of the object.
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
createdAtMin DatePicker Show events created at or after date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Show events created at or before date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
filter String Only show events specified in filter.
verb String Only show events of a certain kind.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Receive a count of all Events.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
createdAtMin DatePicker Count events created at or after date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Count events created at or before date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).


Get a list of products.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
ids List List of product ids.
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
title String Filter by product title.
vendor String Filter by product vendor.
handle String Filter by product handle.
productType String Filter by product type.
collectionId Number Filter by collection id.
createdAtMin DatePicker Show products created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Show products created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show products last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show products last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMin DatePicker Show products published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMax DatePicker Show products published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedStatus Select published - Show only published products, unpublished - Show only unpublished products, any - Show all products (default).
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a count of all products of a given collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
vendor String Filter by product vendor.
productType String Filter by product type.
collectionId Number Filter by collection id.
createdAtMin DatePicker Show products created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Show products created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show products last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show products last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMin DatePicker Show products published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMax DatePicker Show products published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedStatus Select published - Show only published products, unpublished - Show only unpublished products, any - Show all products (default).


Get a single product.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Create a new product.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
title String The name of the product. In a shop’s catalog, clicking on a product’s title takes you to that product’s page. On a product’s page, the product’s title typically appears in a large font.
bodyHtml String The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting.
productType String A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching.
imageSrc File Image associated with the product.
vendor String The name of the vendor of the product.
variants List List of JSON objects. List of variant objects, each one representing a slightly different version of the product. For example, if a product comes in different sizes and colors, each size and color permutation (such as ‘small black’, ‘medium black’, ‘large blue’), would be a variant.
tags List A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching. Each comma-separated tag has a character limit of 255.
published Boolean Is published product.

variants format

        "option1": "First",
        "price": "10.00",
        "sku": 123
        "option1": "Second",
        "price": "20.00",
        "sku": "123"


Update a product and associated variants and images.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
title String The name of the product. In a shop’s catalog, clicking on a product’s title takes you to that product’s page. On a product’s page, the product’s title typically appears in a large font.
bodyHtml String The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting.
productType String A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching.
vendor String The name of the vendor of the product.
variants List List of JSON objects. List of variant objects, each one representing a slightly different version of the product. For example, if a product comes in different sizes and colors, each size and color permutation (such as ‘small black’, ‘medium black’, ‘large blue’), would be a variant…
tags List A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching. Each comma-separated tag has a character limit of 255.
published Boolean Is published product.

variants format

        "option1": "First",
        "price": "10.00",
        "sku": 123
        "option1": "Second",
        "price": "20.00",
        "sku": "123"


Remove a product from the shop.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.


Get all product images.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a count of all product images.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
createdAtMin DatePicker Count articles created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
createdAtMax DatePicker Count articles created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMin DatePicker Count articles last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Count articles last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMin DatePicker Count articles published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMax DatePicker Count articles published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).


Get a single product image by id.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
imageId Number A unique numeric identifier for the product image.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Create a new product image.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
imageSrc File Specifies the location of the product image.
attachment String Base64 of image file. Use one of imageSrc or attachment
filename String Custom image file name.
position String The order of the product image in the list. The first product image is at position 1 and is the ‘main’ image for the product.
metafieldsKey String Identifier for the metafield (maximum of 30 characters).
metafieldsValue String Information to be stored as metadata.
metafieldsValueType String States whether the information in the value is stored as a ‘string’ or ‘integer’.
metafieldsNamespace String Container for a set of metadata. Namespaces help distinguish between metadata you created against metadata created by another individual with a similar namespace (maximum of 20 characters).
variantIds List List of variant ids associated with the image.


Modify an existing product image.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
imageId Number A unique numeric identifier for the product image.
position String The order of the product image in the list. The first product image is at position 1 and is the ‘main’ image for the product.
metafieldsKey String Identifier for the metafield (maximum of 30 characters).
metafieldsValue String Information to be stored as metadata.
metafieldsValueType String States whether the information in the value is stored as a ‘string’ or ‘integer’.
metafieldsNamespace String Container for a set of metadata. Namespaces help distinguish between metadata you created against metadata created by another individual with a similar namespace (maximum of 20 characters).
variantIds List List of variant ids associated with the image.


Delete a product image.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
imageId Number A unique numeric identifier for the product image.


Get a list of product variants.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a count of product variants.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.


Get a single product variant by id.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
variantId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product variant.


Create a new product variant.

Field Type Description
shopName credentials Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
variant JSON JSON Object with pair key - value for variant.

variant format

    "option1": "Yellow",
    "price": "1.00"


Update an existing product variant.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
variantId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product variant.
variant JSON JSON Object with pair key - value for variant, format { “option1”: “Yellow”, “price”: “1.00” }.

variant format

    "option1": "Yellow",
    "price": "1.00"


Delete a product variant.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
productId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product.
variantId Number The unique numeric identifier for the product variant.


Retrieve a list of Refunds for an Order.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.


Retrieve a specific refund.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.
refundId Number The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.


Calculate refund transactions based on line items and shipping. The returned response can be used to create a Refund. Note that returned transactions are of the kind “suggested_refund”, which must to be changed to “refund” in order for them to be accepted.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.
shippingFullRefund Boolean Boolean, set to true to refund all remaining shipping.
shippingAmount String Set specific amount of shipping to refund. Takes precedence over full_refund.
refundLineItems JSON Array of JSON objects, of line item IDs and quantities to refund.

refundLineItems format

        "line_item_id": 518995019,
        "quantity": 1
        "line_item_id": 518995020,
        "quantity": 1


Refund single or several transactions from an existing order.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the order. This one is used for API purposes.
transactions List List of JSON objects. Array of transactions to process as refunds.
restock Boolean Boolean, whether or not to add the line items back to the store inventory.
notify Boolean Boolean, set to true to send a refund notification to the customer.
note String An optional comment attached to a refund.
discrepancyReason Select An optional comment, used if there is a discrepancy between calculated and actual refund amounts (one of: restock, damage, customer, other).
shippingFullRefund Boolean Boolean, set to true to refund all remaining shipping.
shippingAmount String Set specific amount of shipping to refund. Takes precedence over full_refund.

transactions format

        "parent_id": 801038806,
        "amount": 199.65,
        "kind": "refund",
        "gateway": "bogus"


Refund single or several items from an existing order.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the order. This one is used for API purposes.
refundLineItems List List of JSON objects. Array of line item IDs and quantities to refund.
restock Boolean Boolean, whether or not to add the line items back to the store inventory.
notify Boolean Boolean, set to true to send a refund notification to the customer.
note String An optional comment attached to a refund.
discrepancyReason Select An optional comment, used if there is a discrepancy between calculated and actual refund amounts (one of: restock, damage, customer, other).
shippingFullRefund Boolean Boolean, set to true to refund all remaining shipping.
shippingAmount String Set specific amount of shipping to refund. Takes precedence over full_refund.

refundLineItems format

        "line_item_id": 518995019,
        "quantity": 1
        "line_item_id": 518995020,
        "quantity": 1


Get the configuration of the shop account.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get the Representation of all money transfers.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Count all a given order’s money transfers.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.


Get the Representation of a specific transaction.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric order identifier. This one is used for API purposes.
transactionId Number A unique numeric identifier for the transaction.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Create new transaction.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
orderId Number The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.
kind String The kind of transaction: authorization - Money that the customer has agreed to pay. Authorization period lasts for up to 7 to 30 days (depending on your payment service) while a store awaits for a customer’s capture. capture - Transfer of money that was reserved during the authorization of a shop. sale - The combination of authorization and capture, performed in one single step. void - The cancellation of a pending authorization or capture. refund - The partial or full return of the captured money to the customer.
amount String The amount of money that the transaction was for.


Create a new charge.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
applicationChargeId Number A unique numeric identifier for the application charge.
description String The name of the usage charge.
price String The price of the usage charge.


Retrieve a single charge.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
applicationChargeId Number A unique numeric identifier for the application charge.
chargeId Number A unique numeric identifier for the usage charge.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


All past and present usage charges requests are retrieved by this request.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
applicationChargeId Number A unique numeric identifier for the application charge.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a list of all smart collections that contain a given product.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
limit Number Amount of results (default: 50) (maximum: 250).
page Number Page to show (default: 1).
ids List List of collection ids.
sinceId Number Restrict results to after the specified ID.
title String Show smart collections with given title.
productId Number Show smart collections that includes given product.
handle String Filter by smart collection handle.
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show smart collections last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show smart collections last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMin DatePicker Show smart collections published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMax DatePicker Show smart collections published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedStatus Select published - Show only published smart collections, unpublished - Show only unpublished smart collections, any - Show all smart collections (default).
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Get a count of all smart collections that contain a given product.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
title String Show smart collections with given title.
productId Number Show smart collections that includes given product.
updatedAtMin DatePicker Show smart collections last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
updatedAtMax DatePicker Show smart collections last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMin DatePicker Show smart collections published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedAtMax DatePicker Show smart collections published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00).
publishedStatus Select published - Show only published smart collections, unpublished - Show only unpublished smart collections, any - Show all smart collections (default).


Get a single smart collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
smartCollectionId Number The unique numeric identifier for the smart collection.
fields List List of fields to include in the response.


Create a new smart collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
title String The name of the smart collection. Limit of 255 characters.
bodyHtml String The description of the smart collection, complete with HTML markup. Many templates display this on their smart collection page.
imageSrc File The collection image.
published Boolean Is published collection.
rules List List of JSON objects. The list of rules that define what products go into the smart collection.

rules format

        "column": "variant_price",
        "relation": "less_than",
        "condition": "20"


Update an existing smart collection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
smartCollectionId Number The unique numeric identifier for the smart collection.
title String The name of the smart collection. Limit of 255 characters.
bodyHtml String The description of the smart collection, complete with HTML markup. Many templates display this on their smart collection page.
imageSrc File The collection image.
published Boolean Is published collection.
rules List List of JSON objects. The list of rules that define what products go into the smart collection.

rules format

        "column": "variant_price",
        "relation": "less_than",
        "condition": "20"


Change the manual ordering of products in the SmartCollection.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
smartCollectionId Number The unique numeric identifier for the smart collection.
products List List of product ids in the order you want them arranged. (Applies only when sort_order is set to “manual”).
sortOrder String The type of sorting to apply. Valid values are listed in the Properties section above. (default: (current value)).

products format



Remove SmartCollection from the database.

Field Type Description
shopName String Domain of your shop.
accessToken String API access token that can be used to access the shop’s data as long as the client is installed.
smartCollectionId Number The unique numeric identifier for the smart collection.
Volgers: 22
API maker:
Rapid account: Volodimir Kudriachenko
Volodimir Kudriachenko
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