
Door Stefan Skliarov | Bijgewerkt hace 2 meses | Health and Fitness

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Health Check



Lexigram Package

How to get credentials:

  1. Get apiKey from Lexigram

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time 2016-05-28 00:00:00
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated 50.37, 26.56
List Simple array ["123", "sample"]
Select String with predefined values sample
Array Array of objects [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}]


Run a keyword search over the Lexigram medical knowledge base. The keywords are matched against labels and synonyms of medical concepts providing a list ranked by relevance. Our relevance scoring mechanism uses a decay function tuned to term relevance and term proximity of the input keywords that works very well for medical knowledge.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key
query String Text to query. Example: aspirin
limit Number Limits the result. Default: 20


Lookup Lexigraph concepts. All Lexigraph concepts that have an lexigraph_id beginning lxg: are valid on this endpoint. The response will contain a single object with everything Lexigram knows about that medical concept including the original terminology IDs from SNOMED CT, RXNORM, ICD9, etc.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key
conceptId String Concept ID


Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of all ancestors or descendants of the provided concept id. An empty list is returned if the concept has no ancestors or descendants.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key
conceptId String Concept ID
page Number Pagination page


Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of all ancestors or descendants of the provided concept id. An empty list is returned if the concept has no ancestors or descendants.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key
conceptId String Concept ID
page Number Pagination page


The core of our data extraction API. Matches the input text against concepts in the Lexigraph to find and extract concept matches. Maintains pointers to the exact character offsets matched in the text. Identifies the types of the concept (drug, anatomy, problem, etc.), its context (negation, speculation, patient/family history, demographics), and a sectionId if it appears in a known section.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key
conceptId String Concept ID
query String Text to search
withContext Boolean True performs contextulization and includes contexts in the result.
withMatchLogic Select ‘longest’ expands to the longest unique match during concept detection. ‘ignore-length’ returns all detected concepts regardless if a concept is contained or part of a larger concept e.g. ‘Kidney Failure’ will return ‘kidney’, ‘Failure’, and ‘Kidney Failure’ instead of only ‘kidney Failure’. Allowed: longest, ignore-length. Default: longest
withText Boolean true returns the orginal text in the response.


Returns HTML enriched versions of the input text surrounding found concepts in span tags to aid visualization of the data.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key
query String Text to search
withContext Boolean True performs contextulization and includes contexts in the result.
withMatchLogic Select ‘longest’ expands to the longest unique match during concept detection. ‘ignore-length’ returns all detected concepts regardless if a concept is contained or part of a larger concept e.g. ‘Kidney Failure’ will return ‘kidney’, ‘Failure’, and ‘Kidney Failure’ instead of only ‘kidney Failure’. Allowed: longest, ignore-length. Default: longest
Volgers: 5
API maker:
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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