Coronavirus monitor v2

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Timeline for US State

Rapid account: Jbparrett
il y a 4 ans


Would you be able to add a call to get the history (timeline) for a given US state?
Query parameter would be state name: state=“New York” or state=“Veteran Affairs”, etc.
The names would be the same names returned by cases_in_united_states_worldometers_latest.
The result would be an array of the same data structures provided by cases_in_united_states_worldometers_latest, where the date is the data point date.

Would be cool if possible for other countries as well (Canadian provinces, Australian states, etc.) but my current need is for US states, as shown in Worldometers.


Rapid account: Jbparrett
jbparrett Commented il y a 4 ans

Beware this API. Most of the endpoints no longer work, and the support is missing as well. The above is typical - never heard back from the developer on this question. Have also asked several times about endpoints not working and never received an answer or a fix. In fact, oddly, those postings are now missing from this forum.

Avoid this one. Had lots of promise, but doesn’t deliver.

Rapid account: Astsiatsko
astsiatsko Commented il y a 4 ans

Hi. Thank you for your request. Let me investigate this and I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks

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