Virtual Accounts API

부분 유료
분류별 Olusegun Faith Emmanuel | 업데이트됨 לפני חודשיים | Payments

0.4 / 10

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This API by Apply Ltd. is used to create and manage virtual accounts for your organisation or Fintech business.

It can be used by a FinTech to prototype virtual accounts creation, linking it to real accounts and support for different funnels ( or channels) where a virtual account holder might want to make transactions like say Stripe, Paypal, Payoneer, Venmo etc.

You need an API key to make successful calls to all endpoints on this API. To get an API key which is to be passed in an XApiKey header for all requests, you may email mailto: or visit

This API is also multi-tenant. That is, you as a user of this API is some business or organisation with multiple virtual accounts under your purview.

There are three (3) modules in this API: Accounts, Channels and Transactions.

  1. Use endpoints under the Accounts module to create a new virtual account, fetch the account by unique id, fetch the account by account number and add a transaction channel (as described above) to account.

  2. Use endpoints under the Channels module to get all channels and also get channel by unique id.

  3. Use endpoints on Transactions module to create a new transactions which must be connected to an already created virtual account, get all transactions in your organisation and get a transaction by it’s id in your organisation. You can also get a transaction by the virtual account unique id meaning get all transactions that a particular virtual account has done.

Note: The API is still in v1 and more features would be added in the coming months on request. To request a feature or for general support, you may email or log your support request via this url

Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy using this API.


팔로워: 2
제품 웹사이트
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: Olusegun Faith Emmanuel
Olusegun Faith Emmanuel
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1