
よって Stefan Skliarov | 更新済み 2 महीने पहले | Communication

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Telnyx Package

Telnyx is a VoIP telecom service provider, providing a cloud-based platform that offers access to carrier grade voice services over the internet.

  • Domain: Telnyx
  • Credentials: username, apiToken

How to get credentials:

  1. Browse to Telnyx
  2. Register or log in
  3. Go to API tokens and create new one
  4. Go to Connections and create new one
  5. Go to Telco data and add created token to created connection

Webhook credentials

You can use our service as webhookUrl:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description below
You can add a webhook link at the Dashboard Notifications

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
Field Type Description
projectName credentials
projectKey credentials

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Returns the caller information (if found) for a telephone number

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
number String The requested telephone number in E.164 format, may or may not begin with “1”


Gets LRN object

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
number String The requested telephone number in E.164 format, may or may not begin with “1”


Gets ExtendedLRN object

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
number String The requested telephone number in E.164 format, may or may not begin with “1”


Use this endpoint to get messaging profiles associated with your Telnyx account.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)


Use this endpoint to create a new messaging profile, required for SMS-capable numbers.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
name String Name of the profile
url String Url of the webhook. You can use our service as webhookUrl.{projectName}/{projectKey}. See details above
failoverUrl String Failover url of the webhook. You can use our service as webhookUrl.{projectName}/{projectKey}. See details above
method String Method of the profile


Use this endpoint to retrieve a messaging profile associated with your Telnyx account.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
profileId String Id of the profile


Use this endpoint to update a messaging profile associated with your Telnyx account.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
profileId String Id of the profile
connectionId String Id of the connection
name String Name of the profile
url String Url of the webhook. You can use our service as webhookUrl.{projectName}/{projectKey}. See details above
failoverUrl String Failover url of the webhook. You can use our service as webhookUrl.{projectName}/{projectKey}. See details above
method String Method of the profile


To send messages from one of your numbers, you must authenticate using the unique secret/token that is on the associated messaging profile. Use this endpoint to generate a new secret.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
profileId String Id of the profile


Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of SMS-enabled numbers associated with a messaging profile on your Telnyx account.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
profileId String Id of the profile


Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of numbers to associate with one of your messaging profiles.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Filter numbers by connection ID
hasMessagingProfile Select Only show numbers associated with a messaging profile


Use this endpoint to delete a messaging profile from your Telnyx account.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
profileId String Id of the profile


Use this endpoint to get the settings for one of your SMS-enabled numbers.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
number String The number in e164 format (without the plus sign)


Use this endpoint to update the settings for one of your SMS-enabled numbers.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
number String The number in e164 format (without the plus sign)
profileId String Id of the messaging profile


Use this endpoint to expose information about active outbound requests.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)


Use this endpoint to send a message from an SMS-enabled number.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
profileSecret String This is the unique, private secret/password belonging to the from number’s messaging profile.
from String The source number, in e164 format. This number must be attached to a messaging profile.
to String The destination number, in e164 format.
message String The message body.


Returns all Addresses the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page
includeNonAddressBook Select Filter to indicate if addresses not in the address book should be shown


Create an Address

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
firstName String First name
lastName String Last name
businessName String Business name
phoneNumber String Phone number
streetAddress String Address first line
extendedAddress String Address second line
locality String Locality (city for US addresses)
administrativeArea String Administrative area (state for US addresses)
postalCode String Postal code
countryCode String 2-digit country code
addressBook Select Indicates if the address should be considered part of your ‘address book’ or not; addresses that are in your address book are shown by default when listing addresses, those not in your address book are not.


Gets a single Address based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
addressId String Id of the address


Update a single Address based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
addressId String Id of the address
firstName String First name
lastName String Last name
businessName String Business name
phoneNumber String Phone number
streetAddress String Address first line
extendedAddress String Address second line
locality String Locality (city for US addresses)
administrativeArea String Administrative area (state for US addresses)
postalCode String Postal code
countryCode String 2-digit country code
addressBook Select Indicates if the address should be considered part of your ‘address book’ or not; addresses that are in your address book are shown by default when listing addresses, those not in your address book are not.


Delete a single Address based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
addressId String Id of the address


Returns all Connections the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page
withIps Select Specify as true to include authorized IPs along with connections
withAuth Select Specify as true to include credential authentication details along with connections. Please note this only affects connections for which the authorization type is credential-based authentication.
withFQDNS Select Specify as true to include FQDN / domain details along with connections. Please note this only affects connections for which the authorization type is FQDN-based authentication.
mode Select Optional parameter to specify typeahead mode. Doing so limits the amount of details returned but speeds up calls.
orderBy Select Specify an ordering for the results.
sortDirection Select The sort_direction specifies in which way the ordering of the connections is applied.
filterConnectionName String Optional filtering parameter. If present, connections with at least a partial match will be returned. Matching is not case-sensitive. Requires at least three characters.
filterIpAddress String Optional filtering parameter. If present, only connections with one or more matching authorized IP addresses will be returned.
filterAuthUserName String Optional filtering parameter. If present, only connections of credential-based authentication will be returned, and only those with a user_name that is at least a partial match with the value provided. Requires at least three characters.


Create new connection

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionName String Name of the connection
active Select Defaults to true
dnisNumberFormat Select E.164 = 0, Strip-1 = 1, Strip-2 = 2
timeout1xx Number Time(sec) before aborting if connection is not made (min: 1, max: 20)
timeout2xx Number Time(sec) before aborting if call is unanswered (min: 1, max: 600)
aniOverrideType Select Specifies when we apply your ani_override setting. Only applies when ani_override is not blank.
aniOverride String Set a phone number as the ani_override value to override caller id number on outbound calls
sipCompactHeadersEnabled Select Defaults to true
transportProtocol Select One of UDP, TLS, or TCP. Applies only to connections with IP authentication or FQDN authentication.
thirdPartyControlEnabled Select Applies to calls sent TO this connection.
privacyZoneEnabled Select By default, Telnyx does not send caller-id information when the caller has chosen to hide this information. When this option is enabled, Telnyx will send the SIP header Privacy:id plus the caller-id information so that the receiver side can choose when to hide it.
codecs List Defines the list of codecs that Telnyx will send for inbound calls to a specific number on your portal account, in priority order. This only works when the Connection the number is assigned to uses Media Handling mode: default. OPUS and H.264 codecs are available only when using TCP or TLS transport for SIP
prackEnabled Select Enable PRACK messages as defined in RFC3262
defaultRoutingMethod Select Default routing method to be used when a number is associated with the connection.
defaultPrimaryAuthorizedIpId Number The default primary IP to use for the number. Only settable if the connection is of IP authentication type. Value must be the ID of an authorized IP set on the connection.
defaultSecondaryAuthorizedIpId Number The default secondary IP to use for the number. Only settable if the connection is of IP authentication type. Value must be the ID of an authorized IP set on the connection.
defaultTertiaryAuthorizedIpId Number The default tertiary IP to use for the number. Only settable if the connection is of IP authentication type. Value must be the ID of an authorized IP set on the connection.
anchorsiteOverride Select “Latency” directs Telnyx to route media through the site with the lowest round-trip time to the user’s connection. Telnyx calculates this time using ICMP ping messages. This can be disabled by specifying a site to handle all media.
encryptedMedia Select Enable use of SRTP or ZRTP for encryption. Valid values are those listed or null. Cannot be set to non-null if the transport_portocol is TLS.
instantRingbackEnabled Select When set, ringback will not wait for indication before sending ringback tone to calling party.
t38ReinviteSource Select This setting only affects connections with Fax-type Outbound Profiles. The setting dictates whether or not Telnyx sends a t.38 reinvite. By default, Telnyx will send the re-invite. If set to customer, the caller is expected to send the t.38 reinvite.
aniNumberFormat Select This setting allows you to set the format with which the caller’s number (ANI) is sent for inbound phone calls.
isupHeadersEnabled Select When set, inbound phone calls will receive ISUP parameters via SIP headers. (Only when available and only when using TCP or TLS transport.) Defaults to false.
encodeContactHeaderEnabled Select Encode the SIP contact header sent by Telnyx to avoid issues for NAT or ALG scenarios
inboundGenerateRingbackTone Select Generate ringback tone through 183 session progress message with early media
outboundGenerateRingbackTone Select Generate ringback tone through 183 session progress message with early media
dtmfType Select Sets the type of DTMF digits sent from Telnyx to this Connection. Note that DTMF digits sent to Telnyx will be accepted in all formats.
outboundLocalization String A 2-character country code specifying the country whose national dialing rules should be used. For example, if set to US then any US number can be dialed without preprending +1 to the number. When left blank, Telnyx will try US and GB dialing rules, in that order, by default.


Gets a single connection based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection


update a single connection based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
connectionName String Name of the connection
active Select Defaults to true
dnisNumberFormat Select E.164 = 0, Strip-1 = 1, Strip-2 = 2
timeout1xx Number Time(sec) before aborting if connection is not made (min: 1, max: 20)
timeout2xx Number Time(sec) before aborting if call is unanswered (min: 1, max: 600)
aniOverrideType Select Specifies when we apply your ani_override setting. Only applies when ani_override is not blank.
aniOverride String Set a phone number as the ani_override value to override caller id number on outbound calls
sipCompactHeadersEnabled Select Defaults to true
transportProtocol Select One of UDP, TLS, or TCP. Applies only to connections with IP authentication or FQDN authentication.
thirdPartyControlEnabled Select Applies to calls sent TO this connection.
privacyZoneEnabled Select By default, Telnyx does not send caller-id information when the caller has chosen to hide this information. When this option is enabled, Telnyx will send the SIP header Privacy:id plus the caller-id information so that the receiver side can choose when to hide it.
codecs List Defines the list of codecs that Telnyx will send for inbound calls to a specific number on your portal account, in priority order. This only works when the Connection the number is assigned to uses Media Handling mode: default. OPUS and H.264 codecs are available only when using TCP or TLS transport for SIP
prackEnabled Select Enable PRACK messages as defined in RFC3262
defaultRoutingMethod Select Default routing method to be used when a number is associated with the connection.
defaultPrimaryAuthorizedIpId Number The default primary IP to use for the number. Only settable if the connection is of IP authentication type. Value must be the ID of an authorized IP set on the connection.
defaultSecondaryAuthorizedIpId Number The default secondary IP to use for the number. Only settable if the connection is of IP authentication type. Value must be the ID of an authorized IP set on the connection.
defaultTertiaryAuthorizedIpId Number The default tertiary IP to use for the number. Only settable if the connection is of IP authentication type. Value must be the ID of an authorized IP set on the connection.
anchorsiteOverride Select “Latency” directs Telnyx to route media through the site with the lowest round-trip time to the user’s connection. Telnyx calculates this time using ICMP ping messages. This can be disabled by specifying a site to handle all media.
encryptedMedia Select Enable use of SRTP or ZRTP for encryption. Valid values are those listed or null. Cannot be set to non-null if the transport_portocol is TLS.
instantRingbackEnabled Select When set, ringback will not wait for indication before sending ringback tone to calling party.
t38ReinviteSource Select This setting only affects connections with Fax-type Outbound Profiles. The setting dictates whether or not Telnyx sends a t.38 reinvite. By default, Telnyx will send the re-invite. If set to customer, the caller is expected to send the t.38 reinvite.
aniNumberFormat Select This setting allows you to set the format with which the caller’s number (ANI) is sent for inbound phone calls.
isupHeadersEnabled Select When set, inbound phone calls will receive ISUP parameters via SIP headers. (Only when available and only when using TCP or TLS transport.) Defaults to false.
encodeContactHeaderEnabled Select Encode the SIP contact header sent by Telnyx to avoid issues for NAT or ALG scenarios
inboundGenerateRingbackTone Select Generate ringback tone through 183 session progress message with early media
outboundGenerateRingbackTone Select Generate ringback tone through 183 session progress message with early media
dtmfType Select Sets the type of DTMF digits sent from Telnyx to this Connection. Note that DTMF digits sent to Telnyx will be accepted in all formats.
outboundLocalization String A 2-character country code specifying the country whose national dialing rules should be used. For example, if set to US then any US number can be dialed without preprending +1 to the number. When left blank, Telnyx will try US and GB dialing rules, in that order, by default.


Deletes a single connection based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection


Sets the connection given by connectionId to use credentials-based authentication. This will remove any other authentication type set for the connection.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
connectionUsername String Username that will be sent when using the connection. Must be globally unique. Case-insensitive.
connectionPassword String Password that will be sent when using the connection. Must be at least 8 characters or more in length.


Update the credentials used for authenticating the connection given

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
connectionUsername String Username that will be sent when using the connection. Must be globally unique. Case-insensitive.
connectionPassword String Password that will be sent when using the connection. Must be at least 8 characters or more in length.


Get a suggestion for a username and password for use when creating a credentials authentication record for the connection given by connectionIds.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection


Sets the connection given by connectionId to use FQDN-based authentication. This will remove any other authentication type set for the connection. Please note that domains themselves are not added through this endpoint.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
connectionUsername String Username that will be sent when using the connection. Must be globally unique. Case-insensitive.
connectionPassword String Password that will be sent when using the connection. Must be at least 8 characters or more in length.
ipAuthenticationMethod Select The method of authentication to use if this FQDN auth strategy uses IP-based outbound. Defaults to “tech-prefix”. Has no effect if this auth strategy uses credentials for outbound authentication.
fqdnOutboundAuthentication Select The method of authentication to use for outbound calls on this authentication strategy. Defaults to “credential-authentication”.


Update the credentials used for authenticating the connection given

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
connectionUsername String Username that will be sent when using the connection. Must be globally unique. Case-insensitive.
connectionPassword String Password that will be sent when using the connection. Must be at least 8 characters or more in length.
ipAuthenticationMethod Select The method of authentication to use if this FQDN auth strategy uses IP-based outbound. Defaults to “tech-prefix”. Has no effect if this auth strategy uses credentials for outbound authentication.
fqdnOutboundAuthentication Select The method of authentication to use for outbound calls on this authentication strategy. Defaults to “credential-authentication”.


Returns all FQDNs the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Creates a new FQDN.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
fqdn String Your FQDN
port Number Port number
dnsRecordType Select the DNS record type for the FQDN. For cases where a port is not set, the DNS record type must be ‘srv’. For cases where a port is set, the DNS record type must be ‘a’. If the DNS record type is ‘a’ and a port is not specified, 5060 will be used.


Updates a single FQDN based on the ID supplied

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
fqdnId String Id of the fqdn
connectionId String Id of the connection
fqdn String Your FQDN
port Number Port number
dnsRecordType Select the DNS record type for the FQDN. For cases where a port is not set, the DNS record type must be ‘srv’. For cases where a port is set, the DNS record type must be ‘a’. If the DNS record type is ‘a’ and a port is not specified, 5060 will be used.


Deletes a single FQDN based on the ID supplied

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
fqdnId String Id of the fqdn


Sets the connection given by connectionId to use IP-based authentication. This will remove any other authentication type set for the connection. Please note that authorized IP addresses are not added through this endpoint.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connectionl


Update the IP authentication strategy used for authenticating the given connection

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connectionl
ipAuthenticationMethod Select The method of IP authentication to use along with the connection. Defaults to tech-prefix. Can be tech-prefix, token or p-charge-info


Gets a suggestion for a token to use with the IP authentication method token for the connection specified by connection_id. This is not ‘binding’ you can use a value other than one returned by this endpoint as a token. It is provided as a convenient way of getting a randomly generated token for a connection using that authentication method.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connectionl


Returns all Authorized IPs the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Creates a new Authorized IP.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionId String Id of the connection
ipAddress String Valid IP address


Updates existing Authorized IP.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
authorizedIpId String Id of the authorized ip
connectionId String Id of the connection
ipAddress String Valid IP address


Deletes existing Authorized IP.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
authorizedIpId String Id of the authorized ip


Returns all E911 Addresses the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Creating an E911 Address requires the address fields to exactly match E911 Service records. All capital letters, and no punctuation is generally sufficient.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
firstName String Required if business name not given
lastName String Required if business name not given
businessName String Required if personal name not given
line1 String Address first line
line2 String Address second line
city String Address city
state String Address state
postalCode String Address postal code


Gets a single E911 Address based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
e911AddressId String Id of the e911 address


Updates a single E911 Address based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
e911AddressId String Id of the e911 address
firstName String Required if business name not given
lastName String Required if business name not given
businessName String Required if personal name not given
line1 String Address first line
line2 String Address second line
city String Address city
state String Address state
postalCode String Address postal code


Deletes a single E911 Address based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
e911AddressId String Id of the e911 address


Returns all numbers that the user has access to.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page
filterTag String Optional filtering parameter. If present, only numbers that have been tagged  with the string given will be returned. Returns exact matches only.
filterNumberVal String Optional filtering parameter. If present, only numbers that at least partially match the value given in their number will be returned. Requires at least three digits. Non-numerical characters should not be present in the filter and will result in no values being returned.
filterStatus Select Optional filtering parameter. If present, only numbers that have the same status as specified will be returned.
filterConnectionName String Optional filtering parameter. If present, only numbers that have a connection that at least partially matches the string given will be returned. Matching is not case-sensitive. Requires at least three characters. Numbers without a connection will not be returned.
filterUsagePaymentMethod Select Optional filtering parameter. If present, only numbers that have the filterUsagePaymentMethod that at matches the string given will be returned. Matching is case-sensitive and only specified values are allowed.
orderBy Select Specify an ordering for the results.
sortDirection Select The sort_direction specifies in which way the ordering of the connections is applied.


Retrieve a single number - ID supplied can be the telephone number (ex: +12124567890) or object ID

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
number String Phone number or objectID


Updates a single number - ID supplied can be the telephone number (ex: +12124567890) or object ID

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
number String Phone number or objectID
connectionId String Id of the connection
primaryIp String Primary ip
secondaryIp String Secondary ip
tertiaryIp String Tertiary ip
primaryPort Number Primary ip port
secondaryPort Number Secondary ip port
tertiaryPort Number Tertiary ip port
primaryFqdn String The primary domain name for the number. Only relevant for numbers using a connection of FQDN-based authentication.
secondaryFqdn String The secondary domain name for the number. Only relevant for numbers using a connection of FQDN-based authentication.
tertiaryFqdn String The tertiary domain name for the number. Only relevant for numbers using a connection of FQDN-based authentication.
primaryFqdnPort Number Port for the primary FQDN
secondaryFqdnPort Number Port for the secondary FQDN
tertiaryFqdnPort Number Port for the tertiary FQDN
enableTechPrefix Select Whether tech prefix is enabled
translatedNumber String Translated number
forwardsTo String The number that this number should be forwarded to; when this is set, forwardingType must also be set
forwardingType Select sets when this number should have its calls forwarded; valid values are ‘always’ and ‘on-failure’
enableCallerIdName Select If true, enables sending of CNAME information for incoming calls to the number
usagePaymentMethod Select setting for whether a number is billed per minute or uses your concurrent channels. Can be pay-per-minute or channel
enableRtpAutoAdjust Select When RTP Auto-Adjust is enabled, the destination RTP address port will be automatically changed to match the source of the incoming RTP packets.
mediaHandlingMode Select default: media routed through Telnyx with transcode support. proxy: media routed through Telnyx with no transcode support. bypass: media routed directly between origination and termination endpoints. Only Telnyx support may set a number to bypass mode.Can be default, proxy or bypass
routingMethod Select The method for selecting the next connection IP address to use when dispatching calls for the number. This value has no effect for numbers that are not on a connection using IP authentication.Can be sequential or round-robin
cnamListingEnabled Select Enable CNAM listings for this number. Requires cnamListingDetails to also be filled in. Changes to this must be reviewed by Telnyx support and will not be active until this process is complete.
cnamListingDetails String The CNAM listing details for this number. Must be alphanumeric characters or spaces with a maximum length of 15. Requires cnamListingEnabled to also be set. Changes to this must be reviewed by Telnyx support and will not be active until this process is complete.
t38FaxGatewayEnabled Select If true, fax gateway is enabled
acceptAnyRtpPacketsEnabled Select If true, accepts any rtp packets
tagList List Array of tags for this number


Update multiple numbers at once

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
numberIds List Array of number ids and/or number values to update
connectionId String Id of the connection
primaryIp String Primary ip
secondaryIp String Secondary ip
tertiaryIp String Tertiary ip
primaryPort Number Primary ip port
secondaryPort Number Secondary ip port
tertiaryPort Number Tertiary ip port
e911Enabled Select If true, enables e911
e911AddressId String Address id for 3911
addressId String Address id
enableTechPrefix Select Whether tech prefix is enabled
translatedNumber String Translated number
forwardsTo String The number that this number should be forwarded to; when this is set, forwardingType must also be set
forwardingType Select sets when this number should have its calls forwarded; valid values are ‘always’ and ‘on-failure’
usagePaymentMethod Select setting for whether a number is billed per minute or uses your concurrent channels. Can be pay-per-minute or channel
enableRtpAutoAdjust Select When RTP Auto-Adjust is enabled, the destination RTP address port will be automatically changed to match the source of the incoming RTP packets.
mediaHandlingMode Select default: media routed through Telnyx with transcode support. proxy: media routed through Telnyx with no transcode support. bypass: media routed directly between origination and termination endpoints. Only Telnyx support may set a number to bypass mode.Can be default, proxy or bypass
t38FaxGatewayEnabled Select If true, fax gateway is enabled
acceptAnyRtpPacketsEnabled Select If true, accepts any rtp packets
tagList List Array of tags for this number


Get status of mass numbers update

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
updateRequestId String Id of the mass numbers update request


Enable E911 - ID supplied can be the telephone number (ex: +12124567890) or object ID

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
number String Phone number or objectID
e911Enabled Select If true, enables e911
e911AddressId String Address id for 3911


Deletes number - ID supplied can be the telephone number (ex: +12124567890) or object ID

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
number String Phone number or objectID


Get your concurrent channel settings

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)


Update your concurrent channel settings

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
channels Number The new number of concurrent channels you want. You may check the cost per channel on the pricing page. Please note you may not set your channel count to 0 if you have any numbers using channel billing.


Creates a number order. All numbers included in the order should have appeared in a NumberSearch within 1 day ago.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
requestedNumbersWithMetadata List Number with metadata
requestedInexplicitNumbers List JSON object with explicit number properties
requestedNumbers List Requested numbers


Creates number search

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
searchType Select NPA/NXX = 1, Region = 2, Tollfree = 3, Advanced = 4
searchDescriptor JSON JSOn object with search descriptor of proper type
limit Number Search limit


Get number search status

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
searchId String Id of the number search


Returns all Outbound Profiles the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
whitelistedDestinationFormat Select Format of your whitelisted destinations.
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Creates a new Outbound Profile.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
connectionIds List Connection IDs
trafficType Select Conversational = 1, Fax = 3
servicePlan Select US = 1, International = 2
active Select Defaults to true
translationRule String Only configure if advised by Telnyx support
cpsLimitIncrease Number Increase cps limit
ports Number Must be no more than your concurrent call limit. Null means no limit.
tagList List List of tags
filterUsagePaymentMethod Select Optional filtering parameter. If present, only numbers that have the filterUsagePaymentMethod that at matches the string given will be returned. Matching is case-sensitive and only specified values are allowed.
whitelistedDestinationFormat Select Format of your whitelisted destinations.
whitelistedDestinations List Whitelisted destinations


Gets a single Outbound Profile based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
outboundProfileId String Id of the outbound profile


Updates a single Outbound Profile based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
outboundProfileId String Id of the outbound profile
connectionIds List Connection IDs
trafficType Select Conversational = 1, Fax = 3
servicePlan Select US = 1, International = 2
active Select Defaults to true
translationRule String Only configure if advised by Telnyx support
cpsLimitIncrease Number Increase cps limit
ports Number Must be no more than your concurrent call limit. Null means no limit.
tagList List List of tags
filterUsagePaymentMethod Select Optional filtering parameter. If present, only numbers that have the filterUsagePaymentMethod that at matches the string given will be returned. Matching is case-sensitive and only specified values are allowed.
whitelistedDestinationFormat Select Format of your whitelisted destinations.
whitelistedDestinations List Whitelisted destinations


Deletes a single Outbound Profile based on the ID supplied.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
outboundProfileId String Id of the outbound profile


Check a list of numbers to see if they’re portable.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
phoneNumbers List Phone numbers to check


Returns all port requests that your user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page
search String Filter results by supportkey (pr*) or partial phone number
status Select Filter results by status
includePhoneNumbers Select Include phone number objects in the results
includeSubRequests Select Include sub request objects in the results


Returns a single port request based on the id supplied

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request
includePhoneNumbers Select Include phone number objects in the results
includeSubRequests Select Include sub request objects in the results


Get the sub requests for a given port request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request


Get a sub request belonging to the given port request id

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request
subrequestId String Id of the port subrequest


Get the comments for a given port request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request


Add comment to a given port request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request
comment String Body of the comment
subrequestId String Id of the subrequest


List supporting documents for the given port request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request


Get a supporting document belonging to the given port request id.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request
supportingDocumentId String Id of the supporting document


Create link to allows downloading this document. Expires in 1 hour.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
portRequestId String Id of the port request
supportingDocumentId String Id of the supporting document


Returns all draft port requests that your user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page
search String Filter results by supportkey (pr*) or partial phone number
status Select Filter results by status
includePhoneNumbers Select Include phone number objects in the results
includeSubRequests Select Include sub request objects in the results


Creates a new draft port request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
phoneNumbers List List of phone numbers to port


Returns a single draft port request based on the id supplied

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request
includePhoneNumbers Select Include phone number objects in the results
includeSubRequests Select Include sub request objects in the results


Once all of the sub requests belonging to a draft port request are populated with required information the draft port request can be submitted, initiating the porting process. Once successfully submitted changes can no longer be made to the draft port request.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request


Get the sub requests for a given draft port request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request


Get a sub request belonging to the given draft port request id

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request
subrequestId String Id of the port subrequest


Update a sub request belonging to the given draft port request id

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request
subrequestId String Id of the port subrequest
focDateRequestedByUser DatePicker Date/Time requested for the FOC date
personOrCompanyName String Person Name or Company name requesting the port
authPersonName String Name of person authorizing the port request
billingPhoneNumber String Billing phone number associated with these phone numbers
streetAddress String First line of billing address
extendedAddress String Second line of billing address
locality String City of billing address
administrativeArea String Two character state abbreviation of billing address
postalCode String Postal Code of billing address
countryCode String ISO3166-1 alpha-2 country code of billing address
defaultConnectionId String ID of connection to set on the numbers when ported
portingOptionType Select A port can be either ‘full’ or ‘partial’. When type is ‘full’ the other attributes should be ommitted.
remainingNumbersAction Select Remaining numbers can be either kept with their current service provider or disconnected. ‘newBillingPhoneNumber’ is required when ‘remainingNumbersAction’ is ‘keep’.
newBillingPhoneNumber String New billing telephone numbers for the remaining numbers. This will be set on your account with your current service provider and should be one of the numbers remaining on that account.
pinPasscode String PIN/passcode for accounts that have wireless type numbers
accountNumber String The authorized person’s account number with the current service provider
taxIdentifier String European tax identification number. Applicable only in the European Union
businessIdentifier String European business identification number. Applicable only in the European Union


Get the allowed FOC dates for a draft sub request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request
subrequestId String Id of the port subrequest


List supporting documents for the given draft port request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request


Get a supporting document belonging to the given draft port request id.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request
supportingDocumentId String Id of the supporting document


Create download link for document this document. Expires in 1 hour.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
draftPortRequestId String Id of the draft port request
supportingDocumentId String Id of the supporting document


Returns all cdr_requests that the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Create a new cdr_request

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
startTime DatePicker Report start time
endTime DatePicker Report end time. Must be less than 24 hours from now
callTypes List Inbound = 1, Outbound = 2
recordTypes List Complete = 1, Incomplete = 2, Errors = 3
connections List Array of connection IDs
reportName String Name of the report
filters List The ‘filters’ field specifies a list of query criteria


Get the status of a CDR request. Response includes a link to the report once it is generated.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
cdrRequestId String Id of the cdr request


Deletes a CDR request.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
cdrRequestId String Id of the cdr request


Returns all mdr_requests that the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Get the status of a MDR request. Response includes a link to the report once it is generated.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
mdrRequestId String Id of the mdr request


Deletes a MDR request.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
mdrRequestId String Id of the mdr request


Returns all MDR usage reports that the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Get the status of MDR usage report. Response includes a link to the report once it is generated.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
mdrUsageReportId String Id of the mdr usage report


Delete MDR usage report.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
mdrUsageReportId String Id of the mdr usage report


Returns all usage reports that the user has access to

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
page Number Page number of results to load
perPage Number Number of results per page


Create a new usage report

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
startTime DatePicker Report start time
endTime DatePicker Report end time. Must be less than 24 hours from now
aggregationType Select Aggregate: All = 0, By Connection = 1
connections List Array of connection IDs


Get the status of usage report. Response includes a link to the report once it is generated.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
usageReportId String Id of the usage report


Delete the usage report.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials Api token received from Telnyx
username credentials Your Telnyx username (email)
usageReportId String Id of the usage report
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov