
Da Stefan Skliarov | Aggiornamento לפני חודשיים | Tools
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Keygen Package

A dead-simple software licensing API built for developers

  • Domain: Keygen
  • Credentials: accountId

How to get credentials:

  1. Browse to Keygen
  2. Register or log in
  3. Browse to Settings to get your accountId

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects

You can use our service as url:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above

Webhook credentials

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
Field Type Description
projectName credentials
projectKey credentials


Generate a new token resource for a user.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
email String Your email
password String Your password


Retrieves the details of an existing token.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
tokenId String Id of access token


Regenerate an existing token resource. This will replace the token attribute with a new secure token, and extend the expiry by 2 weeks.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
tokenId String Id of access token


Permanently revokes a token. It cannot be undone. This action also immediately invalidates all sessions using the given token.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
tokenId String Id of access token


Creates a new product resource.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
name String Name of the product
url String Url of the product
platforms List Platofrms of the product
metadata String Hash containing product metadata.


Retrieves the details of an existing product.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
productId String Id of product


Updates the details of an existing product.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
productId String Id of product
name String Name of the product
url String Url of the product
platforms List Platofrms of the product
metadata String Hash containing product metadata.


Deletes an existing product.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
productId String Id of product


Returns a list of products. The products are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent products appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of products to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page


Creates a new policy resource.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
name String Name of the policy
duration Number Duraion of the policy in seconds
strict Select When enabled, a license that implements the policy will be considered invalid if its machine limit is surpassed.
floating Select When enabled, a license that implements the policy will be valid across multiple machines.
requireCheckIn Select When enabled, a license that implements the policy will require check-in at a predefined interval to continue to pass validation i.e. if a license misses a check-in, it will be invalidated.
checkInInterval String One of day, week, month or year. The frequency at which a license should check-in.
checkInIntervalCount Number The number of intervals (specified in the check-in interval property) between each required check-in.
usePool Select Whether or not to pull license keys from a finite pool of pre-determined keys.
maxMachines Number The maximum number of machines a license implementing the policy can activate per-user. This is only enforced when the policy is strict.
encrypted Select Whether or not to encrypt license keys.
protected Select Whether or not the policy is protected
metadata String Hash containing policy metadata.
productId String The product the policy is for.


Retrieves the details of an existing policy.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
policyId String Id of policy


Updates the details of an existing policy.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
policyId String Id of policy
name String Name of the policy
duration Number Duraion of the policy in seconds
strict Select When enabled, a license that implements the policy will be considered invalid if its machine limit is surpassed.
floating Select When enabled, a license that implements the policy will be valid across multiple machines.
requireCheckIn Select When enabled, a license that implements the policy will require check-in at a predefined interval to continue to pass validation i.e. if a license misses a check-in, it will be invalidated.
checkInInterval String One of day, week, month or year. The frequency at which a license should check-in.
checkInIntervalCount Number The number of intervals (specified in the check-in interval property) between each required check-in.
maxMachines Number The maximum number of machines a license implementing the policy can activate per-user. This is only enforced when the policy is strict.
protected Select Whether or not the policy is protected
metadata String Hash containing policy metadata.


Deletes an existing policy.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
policyId String Id of policy


Returns a list of policies. The policies are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent policies appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of products to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page
product String The identifier (UUID) of the product to filter by.


Creates a new user resource.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
firstName String The first name of the user.
lastName String The last name of the user.
email String The email of the user.
password String The password of the user.
role Select The role of the user.
metadata String Hash containing user metadata.


Retrieves the details of an existing user.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
userId String Id of user


Updates the details of an existing user.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
userId String Id of user
firstName String The first name of the user.
lastName String The last name of the user.
email String The email of the user.
role Select The role of the user.
metadata String Hash containing user metadata.


Deletes an existing user.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
userId String Id of user


Returns a list of users. The users are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent users appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of users to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page


Action to update the user’s password. A user’s password can only be updated when authenticated as the given user.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
userId String Id of user
oldPassword String The current password for the user.
newPassword String The new password for the user.


Fulfill a user’s password reset request. Password reset tokens expire 24 hours after requesting the reset.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
userId String Id of user
passwordResetToken String The password reset token emailed to the user.
newPassword String The new password for the user.


Creates a new license resource.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
key String A unique pre-determined key for the license. Cannot be used on encrypted licenses. This attribute will be automatically generated or popped from the remaining pool if left blank.
suspended Select Whether or not the license is suspended.
metadata String Hash containing license metadata.
policyId String The policy to implement for the license
userId String The user the license is for. If ommitted, the license will be user-less.


Retrieves the details of an existing license.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Updates the details of an existing license.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license
expiry DatePicker When the license will expire.
suspended Select Whether or not the license is suspended.
metadata String Hash containing license metadata.


Deletes an existing license.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Returns a list of licenses. The licenses are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent licenses appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of licenses to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page
user String The identifier (UUID) of the user to filter by.
product String The identifier (UUID) of the product to filter by.
policy String The identifier (UUID) of the policy to filter by.
machine String The identifier (UUID) of the machine to filter by.
suspended Select Whether or not the license is suspended.


Action to validate a license. This will check the following: if the license is suspended, if the license is expired, if the license is overdue for check-in, and if the license meets its machine requirements (if strict).

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Action to validate a license key. This will look up the license by its key and check the following: if the license is suspended, if the license is expired, if the license is overdue for check-in, and if the license meets its machine requirements (if strict).

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license
key String Key to validate
encrypted Select Whether the license implements an encrypted policy. Encrypted licenses will fail validation unless this is specified.
productId String Id of product
policyId String Id of policy
machineId String Id of machine


Action to temporarily suspend (ban) a license. This will cause the license to fail validation until reinistated.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Action to reinstate a suspended license.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Action to renew a license. Extends license expiry by the policy’s duration.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Action to revoke (delete) a license. This cannot be undone. This action also immediately deletes any machines that the license is associated with.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Action to check-in a license. Sets the license’s lastCheckIn to the current time, and the license’s nextCheckIn according to the policy’s check-in interval.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
licenseId String Id of license


Creates a new machine resource.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
fingerprint String The fingerprint of the machine. This can be an arbitrary string, but must be unique within the scope of the license it belongs to.
name String Name of the machine
ip String IP of the machine
hostname String Hostname of the machine
platform String Platform of the machine
metadata String Hash containing machine metadata.
licenseId String The license the machine is for.


Retrieves the details of an existing machine.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
machineId String Id of machine


Updates the details of an existing machine.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
machineId String Id of machine
name String Name of the machine
ip String IP of the machine
hostname String Hostname of the machine
platform String Platform of the machine
metadata String Hash containing machine metadata.


Deletes an existing machine.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
machineId String Id of machine


Returns a list of machines. The machines are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent machines appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of machines to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page
product String The identifier (UUID) of the product to filter by.
fingerprint String The identifier (UUID) of the fingerprint to filter by.
license String The identifier (UUID) of the license to filter by.
user String The identifier (UUID) of the user to filter by.


Creates a new key resource.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
key String The unique key string for the key. The key cannot collide with license keys that already exist.
policyId String The license the machine is for.


Retrieves the details of an existing key.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
keyId String Id of key


Updates the details of an existing key.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
keyId String Id of key
key String The unique key string for the key. The key cannot collide with license keys that already exist.


Delete an existing key.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
keyId String Id of key


Returns a list of keys. The keys are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent keys appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of keys to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page
product String The identifier (UUID) of the product to filter by.
policy String The identifier (UUID) of the policy to filter by.


Creates a new webhook resource.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
url String The url that events are dispatched to. Must use the https protocol.


Retrieves the details of an existing webhook.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
webhookId String Id of webhook


Updates the details of an existing webhook.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
webhookId String Id of webhook
url String The url that events are dispatched to. Must use the https protocol.


Deletes an existing webhook.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
webhookId String Id of webhook


Returns a list of webhooks. The webhooks are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent webhooks appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of webhooks to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page


Retrieves the details of an existing webhook event.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
webhookEventId String Id of webhook event


Returns a list of webhook events. The webhook events are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent webhook events appearing first.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
limit Number Limit on the number of webhooks to be returned. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSize Number Page size must be a number between 1 and 100
pageNumber Number Number of the page
events List Array containing events to filter by.


Action to manually retry an event. This creates a new event resource with an identical idempotency token.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
webhookEventId String Id of webhook event


Retrieves the details of the currently authenticated bearer.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token


Request a password reset for a user. This will send an email to the user, if it is a valid email address. The email will contain a link leading to a password reset form securely hosted by Keygen.

Field Type Description
accountId credentials Your account id
accessToken String Your access token
email String The email of the user.
deliver Select Whether or not to email a password reset notification to the user. When false, you will need to listen for the user.password-reset webhook event and implement the fulfillment logic yourself.
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Creatore dell'API:
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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