Por Stefan Skliarov | Actualizada hace 2 meses | Business Software
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CAD Package

Connect to the Manufacturing API to view, edit and get manufacturing prices for CAD designs. Test an API call and export the code snippet into your app.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: apiKey

How to get credentials:

  1. Sign up in, and verify your email.
  2. Navigate to Settings/API Keys.
  3. Use Public key as apiKey credentials.


Fix your CAD files and get them ready for additive or subtractive manufacturing.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your Public key.
fileUrl String Flle url for fix.


Allows you to rotate, mirror, scale your model.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your Public key.
fileUrl String Flle url for transform.
scaleFactor String Scale factor.
xyMirror Boolean Mirror the mesh about XY plane.
yzMirror Boolean Mirror the mesh about YZ plane.
xzMirror Boolean Mirror the mesh about XZ plane.
xRotateAngle Number Angle to rotate the entire mesh about the x axis by the given number of degrees.
yRotateAngle Number Angle to rotate the entire mesh about the y axis by the given number of degrees.
zRotateAngle Number Angle to rotate the entire mesh about the z axis by the given number of degrees.


Generate thumbnail images of any sizes from a given 3D file.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your Public key.
fileUrl String Flle url for fix.
width Number Width of the image.
height Number Height of the image.
xRotateAngle Number Angle to rotate the entire mesh about the x axis by the given number of degrees.
yRotateAngle Number Angle to rotate the entire mesh about the y axis by the given number of degrees.
zRotateAngle Number Angle to rotate the entire mesh about the z axis by the given number of degrees.


Return list of materials types.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your Public key.


Query the price that would be billed to 3D print a given design.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your Public key.
fileUrl String Flle url for fix.
material String One of material types.
unit String Unit of the design. One of: mm, in.
currency String Currency in which price is returned. One of: EUR, USD.
Seguidores: 1
Sitio web del producto
Creador de la API:
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
Inicie sesión para calificar la API
Valoración: 5 - Votos: 1