
Por Serg Osipchuk | Actualizada a month ago | Payments

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SquareECommerce Package

Accept, process and filter online payments through Square.

Using the API:

The square API uses OAuth. To start using it, first create an app:

  1. Head over to squareup.com and create an account to start using the API.
  2. Visit https://connect.squareup.com/apps and sign in.
  3. Register an application: - Click “New Application” - Enter a name for your application and click Create App. (Note that your application name can’t include the word Square.)
  4. After you complete the registration you will see Application ID and Application Secret. For development, please only use the sandbox ID and Secret!

Than, you can use the Sandbox access token (found at the bottom of the page) in order to test the API from the RapidAPI console:

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


This endpoint allows to obtain accessToken from SquareECommerce.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Required: API key obtained from Square ECommerce.
clientSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Square ECommerce.
code String Required: Authorization code.


This endpoint allows to renew acceesToken.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Required: API key obtained from Square ECommerce.
clientSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Square ECommerce.
accessToken String Required: accessToken obtained from getAccessToken method.


This endpoint allows to revoke an access token generated with the OAuth flow.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Required: API key obtained from Square ECommerce.
clientSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Square ECommerce.
accessToken String Required: accessToken obtained from getAccessToken method.


This endpoint allows to revoke all merchant’s access tokens.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Required: API key obtained from Square ECommerce.
clientSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Square ECommerce.
merchantId String Required: The ID of the merchant whose token you want to revoke.


This endpoint provides the details for all of a business’s locations.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.


Charges a card represented by a card nonce or a customer’s card on file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
locationId String Required: The ID of the location to associate the created transaction with.
idempotencyKey String Required: A value you specify that uniquely identifies this transaction among transactions you’ve created.
amount String Required: The amount of money to charge.
currency String Required: The type of currency, in ISO 4217 format. For example, the currency code for US dollars is USD. The value of currency must match the currency associated with the business that is charging the card.
cardNonce String Optional: A nonce generated from the SqPaymentForm that represents the card to charge. The application that provides a nonce to this endpoint must be the same application that generated the nonce with the SqPaymentForm. Otherwise, the nonce is invalid.Do not provide a value for this field if you provide a value for customer_card_id.
customerCardId String Optional: The ID of the customer card on file to charge. Do not provide a value for this field if you provide a value for card_nonce.
delayCapture String Optional: If true, the request will only perform an Auth on the provided card. Default value: false
referenceId String Optional: An optional ID you can associate with the transaction for your own purposes (such as to associate the transaction with an entity ID in your own database). This value cannot exceed 40 characters.
note String Optional: An optional note to associate with the transaction. This value cannot exceed 60 characters.
customerId String Optional: The ID of the customer to associate this transaction with. This field is required if you provide a value for customer_card_id, and optional otherwise.
buyerEmailAddress String Optional: The buyer’s email address, if available.
billingAddressLine1 String Optional: The first line of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAddressLine2 String Optional: The second line of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAddressLine3 String Optional: The third line of the buyer’s billing address.
billingLocality String Optional: The city or town of the buyer’s billing address.
billingSublocality String Optional: A civil region within the address’s locality of the buyer’s billing address.
billingSublocality2 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality of the buyer’s billing address.
billingSublocality3 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality2 of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s country of the buyer’s billing address. In the US, this is the state.
billingAdministrativeDistrictLevel2 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_1 of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAdministrativeDistrictLevel3 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_2 of the buyer’s billing address.
billingPostalCode String Optional: The billing address’s postal code.
billingCountry String Optional: The billing address’s country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.
shippingAddressLine1 String Optional: The first line of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingAddressLine2 String Optional: The second line of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingAddressLine3 String Optional: The third line of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingLocality String Optional: The city or town of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingSublocality String Optional: A civil region within the address’s locality of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingSublocality2 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingSublocality3 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality2 of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s country of the buyer’s shipping address. In the US, this is the state.
shippingAdministrativeDistrictLevel2 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_1 of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingAdministrativeDistrictLevel3 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_2 of the buyer’s shipping address.
shippingPostalCode String Optional: The shipping address’s postal code.
shippingCountry String Optional: The shipping address’s country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.


This endpoint returns lists transactions for a particular location.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
locationId String Required: The ID of the location to list transactions for.
beginTime String Optional: The beginning of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format (2016-01-31T00:00:00Z). Default value: The current time minus one year.
endTime String Optional: The end of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format (2016-01-31T00:00:00Z). Default value: The current time.
sortOrder Select Optional: The order in which results are listed in the response (ASC for oldest first, DESC for newest first). Default value: DESC
cursor String Optional: A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.


This endpoint allows to capture a transaction that was created with the Charge endpoint with a delay_capture value of true.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
locationId String Required: The ID of the location to list transactions for.
transactionId String Required: The ID of the transaction.


This endpoint allows to cancel a transaction that was created with the Charge endpoint with a delay_capture value of true.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
locationId String Required: The ID of the location to list transactions for.
transactionId String Required: The ID of the transaction.


This endpoint allows to retrieve details for a single transaction.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
locationId String Required: The ID of the location to list transactions for.
transactionId String Required: The ID of the transaction.


This endpoint allows to create a refund

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
locationId String Required: The ID of the original transaction’s associated location.
transactionId String Required: The ID of the original transaction that includes the tender to refund.
idempotencyKey String Required: A value you specify that uniquely identifies this refund among refunds you’ve created for the tender.
tenderId String Required: The ID of the tender to refund.
amount String Required: The amount of money, in the lowest in the smallest denomination of the currency indicated by currency. For example, when currency_code is USD, amount is in cents.
currency String Required: The type of currency, in ISO 4217 format. For example, the currency code for US dollars is USD.
reason String Optional: A description of the reason for the refund. Default value: Refund via API


This endpoint returns lists refunds for one of a business’s locations.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
locationId String Required: The ID of the location to list refunds for.
beginTime String Optional: The beginning of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format (2016-01-31T00:00:00Z). Default value: The current time minus one year.
endTime String Optional: The end of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format (2016-01-31T00:00:00Z). Default value: The current time.
sortOrder Select Optional: The order in which results are listed in the response (ASC for oldest first, DESC for newest first). Default value: DESC
cursor String Optional: A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.


This endpoint creates a new customer for a business, which can have associated cards on file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
givenName String Optional: The customer’s given (i.e., first) name.
familyName String Optional: The customer’s family (i.e., last) name.
companyName String Optional: The name of the customer’s company.
nickname String Optional: A nickname for the customer.
email String Optional: The customer’s email address.
phoneNumber String Optional: The customer’s phone number.
referenceId String Optional: An optional second ID you can set to associate the customer with an entity in another system.
note String Optional: An optional note to associate with the customer.
addressLine1 String Optional: The first line of the address.
addressLine2 String Optional: The second line of the address, if any.
addressLine3 String Optional: The third line of the address, if any.
addressLocality String Optional: The city or town of the address.
addressSublocality String Optional: A civil region within the address’s locality, if any.
addressSublocality2 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality, if any.
addressSublocality3 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality2, if any.
addressAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s country. In the US, this is the state.
addressAdministrativeDistrictLevel2 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_1. In the US, this is the county.
addressAdministrativeDistrictLevel3 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_2, if any.
addressPostalCode String Optional: The address’s postal code.
addressCountry String Optional: The address’s country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.


This endpoint returns lists a business’s customers.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
cursor String Optional: A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.


This endpoint updates the details of an existing customer.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
customerId String Required: The ID of the customer to update.
givenName String Optional: The customer’s given (i.e., first) name.
familyName String Optional: The customer’s family (i.e., last) name.
companyName String Optional: The name of the customer’s company.
nickname String Optional: A nickname for the customer.
email String Optional: The customer’s email address.
phoneNumber String Optional: The customer’s phone number.
referenceId String Optional: An optional second ID you can set to associate the customer with an entity in another system.
note String Optional: An optional note to associate with the customer.
addressLine1 String Optional: The first line of the address.
addressLine2 String Optional: The second line of the address, if any.
addressLine3 String Optional: The third line of the address, if any.
addressLocality String Optional: The city or town of the address.
addressSublocality String Optional: A civil region within the address’s locality, if any.
addressSublocality2 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality, if any.
addressSublocality3 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality2, if any.
addressAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s country. In the US, this is the state.
addressAdministrativeDistrictLevel2 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_1. In the US, this is the county.
addressAdministrativeDistrictLevel3 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_2, if any.
addressPostalCode String Optional: The address’s postal code.
addressCountry String Optional: The address’s country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.


This endpoint returns details for a single customer.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
customerId String Required: The ID of the customer to retrieve.


Adds a card on file to an existing customer.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
customerId String Required: The ID of the customer to link the card on file to.
cardNonce String Required: A card nonce representing the credit card to link to the customer.
cardholderName String Optional: The cardholder’s name.
billingAddressLine1 String Optional: The first line of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAddressLine2 String Optional: The second line of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAddressLine3 String Optional: The third line of the buyer’s billing address.
billingLocality String Optional: The city or town of the buyer’s billing address.
billingSublocality String Optional: A civil region within the address’s locality of the buyer’s billing address.
billingSublocality2 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality of the buyer’s billing address.
billingSublocality3 String Optional: A civil region within the address’s sublocality2 of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s country of the buyer’s billing address. In the US, this is the state.
billingAdministrativeDistrictLevel2 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_1 of the buyer’s billing address.
billingAdministrativeDistrictLevel3 String Optional: A civil entity within the address’s administrative_district_level_2 of the buyer’s billing address.
billingPostalCode String Optional: The billing address’s postal code.
billingCountry String Optional: The billing address’s country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.


This endpoint removes a card on file from a customer.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
customerId String Required: The ID of the customer to delete.
cardId String Required: The ID of the card on file to delete.


This endpoint deletes a customer from a business, along with any linked cards on file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Valid AccessToken.
customerId String Required: The ID of the customer to delete.
Seguidores: 6
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Creador de la API:
Rapid account: Serg Osipchuk
Serg Osipchuk
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