News API

Por Bonai | Actualizada hace 3 días | News, Media

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# RapidAPI Proxy
Error Code Meaning
404 (Not Found) – The requested resource path could not be found.
429 (Too Many Requests) – Too many requests sent within a given time.
502 (Bad Gateway) – The server received an invalid response from upstream servers.
504 (Gateway Timeout) – The server did not receive a timely response from upstream servers.


# Bonai News API Errors

In the event that your API request fails, you will receive a comprehensive JSON error response. This response will provide you with an error code, a clear explanation of the error, and relevant context to assist you in identifying and rectifying the situation. Furthermore, the API will return an HTTP status code that aligns with the specific type of error encountered.

Error Code Meaning
400 (Bad Request) – The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
403 (Forbidden – The client is not authorized to access the requested resource.
404 (Not Found) – The requested resource could not be found.
500 (Internal Server Error) – An unexpected error occurred on the server while processing the request.


    "success": false,
    "code": 400,
    "message": "Bad Request",
    "fields": [
            "name": "url",
            "type": "querystring",
            "description": "The url field is required."

Here is a breakdown of the JSON structure:

  • success: Indicated the status of response
  • code: The HTTP status code for the error
  • message: A short summary of the error
  • fields: An array of fields that can be used to provide more specific information about the error


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Bonai News API?

Bonai News API is a powerful tool that allows you to access and integrate news articles from a wide range of sources into your applications. With the Bonai News API, you can easily search for news articles by keyword, topic, language, and more. You can also filter and sort the results to get the most relevant news for your needs.

What are the benefits of using the Bonai News API?

Bonai News API offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Access to a wide range of news sources:
    Bonai News API provides access to news articles from over 100,000 sources around the world.

  • Easy-to-use search and filtering:
    Bonai News API makes it easy to find the news articles you need with its powerful search and filtering capabilities.

  • Real-time updates:
    Bonai News API delivers news articles in real time, so you can always stay up-to-date on the latest news.

  • Flexible integration:
    Bonai News API can be easily integrated into a variety of applications, including websites, mobile apps, and IoT devices.

How does the Bonai News API work?

Bonai News API uses a simple REST API that allows you to make requests to the Bonai News API server and receive JSON responses. The requests can specify the parameters that you want to use to filter the results, such as the keyword, topic, language, and more. The JSON responses contain the news articles that match your criteria.

Does the Bonai News API guarantee that I will receive the full content of every article?

No, the Bonai News API does not guarantee that you will receive the full content of every article. This is due to a number of factors, including the terms of service of specific websites and technical limitations. We are constantly working to improve our ability to provide the full content of articles, and we hope to be able to offer this feature more reliably in the future.

I have a custom requirement for a high-volume API calls plan. What should I do?

If you have a custom requirement for a high-volume API calls plan, please contact our dedicated team at We will be happy to work with you to create a plan that meets your needs.

Seguidores: 13
Creador de la API:
Rapid account: Bonai
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Valoración: 3.7 - Votos: 6