Article Data Extraction and Text Mining

Durch Ujeebu | Aktualisiert 2ヶ月前 | Media

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What is Ujeebu?

Ujeebu provides API for content extraction and classification. We allow developers to extract all sorts of relevant article information from a web page using a variety of tools and heuristic methods.

How much does Ujeebu cost?

Ujeebu is free for testing and experimentation (750 requests / month), but we have plans for users with higher requirements. Please check out pricing page at . For custom / startup / research pricing, please contact us.


The Ujeebu Article Extraction API converts a news or blog article into structured JSON data. It extracts the main text and html bodies, the author, publish date, any embeddable media such as YouTube and twitter cards, the RSS feeds or social feeds (Facebook/Twitter timelines or YouTube channels) among other relevant pieces of data.

Getting Started

To use API, subscribe to a plan on RapidAPI and connect to :



  • url URL of article to be extracted.
  • raw_html HTML of article to be extracted. When this is passed, article extraction is carried out on the value of this parameter (i.e. without fetching article from url), however the extractor still relies on url to resolve relative links and relatively referenced assets in the provided html.
  • js indicates whether to execute JavaScript or not. Set to ‘auto’ to let the extractor decide.
  • text indicates whether API should return extracted text.
  • html indicates whether API should extract html.


The Ujeebu Article Extraction API converts a news or blog article into structured JSON data. It extracts the main text and html bodies, the author, publish date, any embeddable media such as YouTube and twitter cards, the RSS feeds or social feeds (Facebook/Twitter timelines or YouTube channels) among other relevant pieces of data.

Getting Started

To use API, subscribe to a plan on RapidAPI and connect to :



  • url URL of article to be extracted.
  • raw_html HTML of article to be extracted. When this is passed, article extraction is carried out on the value of this parameter (i.e. without fetching article from url), however the extractor still relies on url to resolve relative links and relatively referenced assets in the provided html.
  • js indicates whether to execute JavaScript or not. Set to ‘auto’ to let the extractor decide.
  • text indicates whether API should return extracted text.
  • html indicates whether API should extract html.