Instagram Scraper 2022

Taraf illusion | Güncelleyen 12 days ago | Social

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get posts return empty

Rapid account: Mustafauysalnet
a month ago

get posts by id and username endpoints return empty data

Rapid account: Mustafauysalnet
mustafauysalnet Commented a month ago

The previous object structure was as follows: “data -> user -> edge_owner_to_timeline_media -> edges”

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented a month ago

Hi, can you send example?

Rapid account: Mustafauysalnet
mustafauysalnet Commented a month ago

no this issue is not resolved, still return bad response format

Rapid account: Goranbackend
goranbackend Commented a month ago

posts_username, still return bad response format, it’s not complete json string,

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented a month ago

Fixed a problem with the posts_username endpoint - an error with the [bad] response

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented a month ago

Hello, we are correcting

Rapid account: Relacja
relacja Commented a month ago

A lot of “answer”: “bad” with 200 status.

Rapid account: Goranbackend
goranbackend Commented a month ago

I have met the same question, please resolve it asap

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