Rapid account: yi005

yi005 / yi005



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Hi, Tiktok is a globally operated app, the video REGION is not strictly limited, so you may get videos from other REGIONS. Our data sources crawl Tiktok mobile in real time and are not stored locally. What makes you think we use local storage? We have done a lot of optimization on the crawling speed and stability of our API, so the latency is low, which is an advantage for us. Also, we offer a free trial of our API, so you don't lose anything if the API doesn't work for you, instead of saying the API is a scam in Discussions, which makes people laugh. Thank you for using Fri 1:47 31/5/24
No, if your key expires or exceeds the quota, the API will respond to you in json format. I think the cause of your error may be a network problem, try changing the network Fri 12:07 31/5/24
CDN Back-to-Origin Performance Issues Mon 9:36 8/4/24
Hi, have you encountered the problem that the video cannot be downloaded? This api only provides video links. The links are provided by Tiktok Private Api and include a validity period of approximately 6 hours. Wed 2:12 13/9/23
Hi. We are not sure when this endpoint will be available, so we cannot tell you exactly. Please stay tuned to our API. Thank you for using Fri 10:57 8/9/23
Hi, After our inspection, there is a big gap between the data in Tiktok Web and the data in Tiktok Mobile App. Our API is based on the Tiktok Mobile API, and there is currently no way to solve this problem. If you find that the data provided by the API is inconsistent with or missing from the Tiktok Mobile App, please provide us with the version, package name, and challenge_name of the App you are viewing, and we will check as soon as possible. Thank you. Wed 6:56 6/9/23