Rapid account: vern funnell

vern funnell / vfunnell


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Woosmap API can be used to find restaurants by name or by town/city/village. It cant find restaurants via lat-lng or postal codes just yet. Thu 10:00 2/5/24
Hi Shoomon, Wiltshire local authority is now fixed. 4,190 businesses for this LA have been added today. Let me know if you need anything else. Kind regards, Vern Wed 5:02 14/12/22
Hi Shoomon, Wiltshire local authority is now fixed. 4,190 businesses for this LA have been added today. Let me know if you need anything else. Kind regards, Vern Wed 5:02 14/12/22
For the Find a Restaurant endpoint I've also added another optional query parameter, 'partialMatch'. With this set to 'yes e.g. 'partialMatch=yes', the endpoint will try to find restaurants of a similar name. E.g. if the search term is 'Mowgli', it will also find restaurants called 'Mowgli Street Food'. Note, using partialMatch will add a delay to the response time, soo if you dont need it, omit this optional parameter. Using limitQuery with a low number will greatly reduce the response time of a request. Wed 5:47 26/1/22
For the Find a Restaurant endpoint I've also added another optional query parameter, 'partialMatch'. With this set to 'yes e.g. 'partialMatch=yes', the endpoint will try to find restaurants of a similar name. E.g. if the search term is 'Mowgli', it will also find restaurants called 'Mowgli Street Food'. Note, using partialMatch will add a delay to the response time, soo if you dont need it, omit this optional parameter. Using limitQuery with a low number will greatly reduce the response time of a request. Wed 5:47 26/1/22
For the Find a Restaurant endpoint I've also added another optional query parameter, 'partialMatch'. With this set to 'yes e.g. 'partialMatch=yes', the endpoint will try to find restaurants of a similar name. E.g. if the search term is 'Mowgli', it will also find restaurants called 'Mowgli Street Food'. Note, using partialMatch will add a delay to the response time, soo if you dont need it, omit this optional parameter. Using limitQuery with a low number will greatly reduce the response time of a request. Wed 5:47 26/1/22